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Everything posted by Nikanuur

  1. I appreciate you taking time to react, and I respect your opinion. However, I don't see myself liking this TB whereas I am fond of TB in general (X-Coms, DoS I+II, Temple of Elemental Evil, Pathfinders, heck even Fallout I+II or Krondor and others). This TB does too many basic things just disregardingly wrong. I suppose, you must be one of those famous, patient, semi-genius minmaxing people or something :3
  2. Yep, some time after I wrote my article it occured to me I've got carried away somewhat needlessly. After all, it is a free feature, as you yourself pointed out. Still, it could've been so cool if only made in "at least a bit closer to classical fashion". Sad panda is sad
  3. I've enjoyed PoE II very much, lovely piece of work. I also love turn based, so it was a great notion to try it out in TB for the second re-run. Man, was I quickly struck by sheer disapointment of how poorly it is concieved due the the overcomplexity of generaly simple approaches. It does have some charms, there can be some interesting combos, but man... I could go on and on about how half of the target / area spells (if not most), several effects and many skills have infuriatingly inconsistent and less-then-forgetful usefulness and timing based on what is going on with the character. I could go on and on about how many stuns lost half their usefulness for the PC if you don't go in to overcomplex do-not-move-delay-your-turn-oops-the-delay-didn't-match-the-stun, how prone is now good for nothing, how casting AoE ranged spells is often unthinkably imprecise (you never know how it's gonna time itself unless you check for bazzillion of whatnots, thus being unable to predict where the enemies are going to end). Just one illustration that explains most of the other cases: 1st level spell Interdiction, being the least initiative and casting time-heavy spell takes generally two rounds to be even casted??!! With character DEX 17 who is supposed to be quick as a close tie to your cat on catnip? Probably something to do with the initiative. Sometimes it is casted at the end of the first round, no other reason beyond what - different initiative? No other effects on the character. Right. Thanks but no thanks. W t f. What's more, half of the time the enemies go first, so the effect is immediately canceled after they attack. Wow, -3 dmg on their part due to -5 Might. Absolutely awsomely useless spell that has been pretty decent during the first levels of the real-time play-through for the rogues to have an attack window for some cool added damage and effectuations. It seems like nobody thought these things trough. No sensible approach like "the effect ends at the end of the whole round, not the end of the enemy turn". TB is half-baked sad and disappointing thing
  4. Hi, I'd like to request a help. Trying to mod Faith And Conviction - a passive talent that adds +4 bonus to the Deflection and +8 to other Defenses. I think the process is fairly simple - open faithandconviction.unity3d, look up the biggest MonoBehavior, dump it into txt, change the "0 float Value = 4" to let's say 12, save the txt, import back to the faithandconviction.unity3d, copy the file back to /gamepath/.../objectbundles/ But this is what happens ingame: The PC portrait shows 4 new effects in the form of purple circlets I haven't seen in any other effect yet. The passive Faith And Conviction dissapears from the Abilities page altogether as if I've never picked it. There is an alternating talent - Deep Faith - that normaly adds +2 Deflection more, and this changes to +2 attack(!!) bonus in the Deflection stat. The original +4 bonus is gone, stating "Suppressed" in the Talent's page. I've included all in the pictures. This broken Paladin stuff happens anytime I try to change any other value in the said MonoBehavior. For example the LevelIncrement, so that the PC could have had more Deflection each level. Any idea what is going on? I've tried to edit also the Deep Faith talent and the paladinprogressiontable that includes GenericAbility entry for the Faith And Conviction... nothing. I've tried to put all these three modified files inside the game or any combination thereof (only one changed, a combination of two changed and one unchanged)... nothing... Grrr, this is infuriating. Pretty please help :3
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