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Everything posted by StewBad

  1. Hello Everyone! Let me preface this by saying that I have become very fond of this game, and have been addicted to it as of late. Below will be listed some suggestions on future updates/content. I'm open to feedback and look forward to hearing your responses! 1. Frogs - In the "unused" pond on the upper level of the yard. Leopard frogs that come in and out of the water, these would be hostile creatures. Using a "tongue attack" at range that would do one of two things: If the player does not attempt to block the attack with either two-handed weapon or shield, the player would be pulled to the frog and arrive stunned for a short period of time (.75 seconds maybe?). Within melee range of the frog, it will attempt to eat you and/or crush you by leaping onto you. If the player attempts to block the "tongue attack" the tongue will stick to either the shield or two-handed weapon the player is attempting to block with. Once the "tongue attack" lands, the player and the frog must "fight" each other for control, I.e. a "meter" of sorts requiring the player to press either a certain combination of keys that are displayed with a brief window of time for them to press, or a specific key that must be rapidly pressed in order to keep their item. Furthermore, if the player overpowers the frog enough, the player would actually pull the frog to them and the frog would arrive stunned (.75 seconds again?). If the frog were to overpower the player, the item would be yanked from the player's possession and would need to be recovered by the player (attacking the frog, perhaps with a specific type of weapon?). The frog could be the source of a few different resources, such as: Frog Skin: A new tier of leather (wetsuit perhaps), hanglider? Used for fancy furniture? Hammock? Higher tier Flippers for swimming Tongue: Could be used for a "slingshot" of sorts, to allow the player to travel faster through the air, and glide to safety with either a dandelion tuft or another gliding item. Frog Eyes: Nightvision goggles?? 2. Toad - A single, solitary, toad. Living in a hole under a rock somewhere. This creature would be passive, but ready to defend himself. However, he would be boss level difficulty and would need to be baited out of his lair, much like the Broodmother, but with some new concoction. The toad could have a couple of attacks: Toad "scream": The toad lets out a high-pitched scream that does a small amount of damage (15% of player health?), slightly blurs vision, and stuns for a brief period of time. Toad poison: The toad secretes a poison from the glands behind its eye's, spraying the poison in a small area around itself. The Toad poison would be disorienting, blurring vision, reversing user controls to move for a short period of time, and dealing extra damage to armor durability. The damage from the poison would be a "DoT" (Damage Over Time) effect that would do no more than 45% of the player's health. The toad could also have basic attacks that include leaping, attempting to bite you, or swiping at you with its front arms. The resources that would be gathered from the Toad would be: Thick Toad Hide Pieces: The Toad's incredibly thick skin would make for a substantial set of Toad Skin Armor. This armor would be modifiable to be sufficient for winter, providing the player warmth, with just the addition of a few different components. Toad Poison (uncommon drop): The Toad's poison would be an incredibly powerful and potent weapon. The poison could be used to line the edge of a blade or the tip of arrows (not spicy/fresh/gas/salt/venom). The effect from this poison would increase your enemy's chance to miss you (from the blurred vision) and would apply a DoT that would be 30-50% of the Toad Poison's potency when used by the boss himself. That's all for now, I will update this post as more ideas enter the mind! I don't know if it is allowed, but if anyone would like to discuss these ideas, I stream Grounded Mon-Friday 12 Noon - 1 pm EST, and Saturdays 6pm - 10pm EST, twitch.tv/StewBad
  2. Hello Everyone! Let me preface this by saying that I have become very fond of this game, and have been addicted to it as of late. Below will be listed some suggestions on future updates/content. I'm open to feedback and look forward to hearing your responses! 1. Frogs - In the "unused" pond on the upper level of the yard. Leopard frogs that come in and out of the water, these would be hostile creatures. Using a "tongue attack" at range that would do one of two things: If the player does not attempt to block the attack with either two-handed weapon or shield, the player would be pulled to the frog and arrive stunned for a short period of time (.75 seconds maybe?). Within melee range of the frog, it will attempt to eat you and/or crush you by leaping onto you. If the player attempts to block the "tongue attack" the tongue will stick to either the shield or two-handed weapon the player is attempting to block with. Once the "tongue attack" lands, the player and the frog must "fight" each other for control, I.e. a "meter" of sorts requiring the player to press either a certain combination of keys that are displayed with a brief window of time for them to press, or a specific key that must be rapidly pressed in order to keep their item. Furthermore, if the player overpowers the frog enough, the player would actually pull the frog to them and the frog would arrive stunned (.75 seconds again?). If the frog were to overpower the player, the item would be yanked from the player's possession and would need to be recovered by the player (attacking the frog, perhaps with a specific type of weapon?). The frog could be the source of a few different resources, such as: Frog Skin: A new tier of leather (wetsuit perhaps), hanglider? Used for fancy furniture? Hammock? Higher tier Flippers for swimming Tongue: Could be used for a "slingshot" of sorts, to allow the player to travel faster through the air, and glide to safety with either a dandelion tuft or another gliding item. Frog Eyes: Nightvision goggles?? 2. Toad - A single, solitary, toad. Living in a hole under a rock somewhere. This creature would be passive, but ready to defend himself. However, he would be boss level difficulty and would need to be baited out of his lair, much like the Broodmother, but with some new concoction. The toad could have a couple of attacks: Toad "scream": The toad lets out a high-pitched scream that does a small amount of damage (15% of player health?), slightly blurs vision, and stuns for a brief period of time. Toad poison: The toad secretes a poison from the glands behind its eye's, spraying the poison in a small area around itself. The Toad poison would be disorienting, blurring vision, reversing user controls to move for a short period of time, and dealing extra damage to armor durability. The damage from the poison would be a "DoT" (Damage Over Time) effect that would do no more than 45% of the player's health. The toad could also have basic attacks that include leaping, attempting to bite you, or swiping at you with its front arms. The resources that would be gathered from the Toad would be: Thick Toad Hide Pieces: The Toad's incredibly thick skin would make for a substantial set of Toad Skin Armor. This armor would be modifiable to be sufficient for winter, providing the player warmth, with just the addition of a few different components. Toad Poison (uncommon drop): The Toad's poison would be an incredibly powerful and potent weapon. The poison could be used to line the edge of a blade or the tip of arrows (not spicy/fresh/gas/salt/venom). The effect from this poison would increase your enemy's chance to miss you (from the blurred vision) and would apply a DoT that would be 30-50% of the Toad Poison's potency when used by the boss himself. That's all for now, I will update this post as more ideas enter the mind! I don't know if it is allowed, but if anyone would like to discuss these ideas, I stream Grounded Mon-Friday 12 Noon - 1 pm EST, and Saturdays 6pm - 10pm EST, twitch.tv/StewBad
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