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Everything posted by SgtMassacre

  1. Paper plate got my castle lol
  2. Right, like I said I built this before the update so being conscience of something that wasn't there when I was building doesn't make sense. Now that I know it's there I can break it down and rebuild around it, but that's what I was commenting on. If the paper plate was there when I was building originally I would have built around it. I built this before anything was on the top of the picnic table. I don't expect them to delete it or change anything unless other people have this problem. If I say nothing I know nothing will happen, if I at least put something somewhere, nothing probably will happen, but it's still out there at least.
  3. Yeah I can understand if it can't be taken off. I built my base before the update so I didn't have time to plan around it. I can still access the top so it's not completely useless, but thought I would make a suggestion
  4. Hey there, whenever I load any of my save files the game puts me in the same spot on the map and reverts my inventory to a previous state, losing my items. The world doesn't seem to change back and it does this no matter which save I load, solo or multiplayer. I'm on Xbox and I just got the treasure chest in the sandbox open with the instructions for the mace before this all started. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
  5. Hey there, I have built a very expansive base by myself and one of my favorite parts is my castle on top of the picnic table. It is very big and took me a long time. My suggestion is to please remove the paper plate that is above the beehive on the picnic table. I'm unable to get into my throne room and build onto it. There are a lot of other paper plates with food, I just wish this one was gone. I've put a lot of time into it and being a solo player, it's not easy to just move stuff around that doesn't relocate. If there is an easy way to take out this one paper plate, this solo player would be thrilled. (I would add an image but couldn't get it to have small enough memory)
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