I believe the hotbar could be turned into new dedicated slots.
For instance, have the player start with 4 toolbelt slots, that can be upgraded with a new item/armor slot, the belt.
1. Tier 1: +2 slots to toolbelt, total 6
2. Tier 2: +4 slots to toolbelt, total 8
3. Tier 3: +6 slots to toolbelt, total 10 (New boss parts needed to craft)
Whether the belt will be visible or not isn't an issue, though it'd be nice if it was.
The starting slots could also be halved, making the total slots available with tier 3, 8.
This could free potentially 10 inventory slots, saving room for more materials. I think it's a great way to add a bit more to the game, but I welcome all feedback.
Thanks for your time!