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About Btveron

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    My wife and our dog and 3 cats, bass guitar, vinyl records, music in general, video games, and cooking
  1. I was looking for any sort of info on the general time-frame of the next update and couldn't find anything here on the forums or on Twitter or anything, but someone on the Grounded subreddit said that Aarik gave a tentative end of September update rollout during a Casually Grounded stream. I don't usually have time to watch streams so it would be fantastic if this information was also disseminated here on the forums or on Twitter or the subreddit. I understand not wanting to announce a release date too early and then have to push it back. But I think most people who don't watch the streams would appreciate a rough estimate and more communication even if it ends up getting pushed back instead of being completely in the dark.
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  2. If it is implemented it should be toggle-able. But I don't know how much help and minimap would be. It shouldn't include blips representing mobs or blips representing Raw Science or scabs because that would definitely take away from the survival/exploration aspect of the game, but if it doesn't include those then there isn't really a point to the minimap. The map features that you could show in a small minimap would not be of any help really. Like oh, there's grass 50cm north of me, I would have never noticed if not for the minimap. A compass though would be fantastic. I find myself pulling up the map and trying to orient myself pretty regularly and even then I still have to double check halfway through my trip that I'm indeed still heading NNW or SE or whatever.
  3. I'm wondering if the various roasts and jerkys provided different amounts of hunger restoration or, in the case of the roasts, have different timers for how long before they spoil. If not then I don't see why anyone would do anything other than drop a stack of mushrooms by the baseball and just wait for the weevil hoard to show up. I got 18 raw weevil meat in about 5 minutes earlier today that I turned into jerky so I'm set for a while. Glad to know that I'm not the only one that gets annoyed by the inventory shuffling from equipping and unequipping stuff via the hotbar. I try to keep all my tools in the top left, and my food, canteens, and smoothies in the bottom right but then they get all jumbled up. Inventory management is a little clunky right now. Not intolerable, but I do hope they streamline it a little. I also love the idea of a craftable backpack upgrade. Maybe once more of the storyline is fleshed out they can tie unlocking the recipe to a quest or another BURGL chip. Something that you have to work for.
  4. I don't know if PC players already have this ability, but I play on Xbox and I would love to be able to hold down the A button and drag a stack of items in a container so that it puts 1 of the item in each space. That way when I'm depositing stacks of that item in the future everything stays organized. Or at least when adding a stack of items to some already in the container the item goes to the next available space in the container instead of the first available space in the container. I'm pretty particular about trying to stay organized and it can be a chore moving around items sometimes.
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