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Posts posted by Solo_Dragun

  1. I have pushed that terrible albeit possible outcome to the side. I think it is important for games of this ilk to come to fruition and do well now more than ever to increase the longevity of the development of westernized rpg's. Too long have the giant yellow chicken riding girlie boys dominated the arena of console role playing games. Maybe I am wrong but I can remember discussing with a friend 5 or 6 years ago the lack of modern or sci-fi rpg's on the market. Heck I would still love to see a cyberpunk style rpg using a baldur's gate engine. As dated as it may seem I would play the crap out of it. Not to be too lengthy or off topic, I prefer rpg's of this nature to FF games and the like, so whatever it takes to make this title great so be it, so long as it actually gets made.



    I really want to play this title, but not at the expense of other possible great titles like it because developers decide its not profitable due to unsuccessful garbage thrown out there failing on the market because it didn't receive the polish it needed... If you are a gamer that shares my taste I think you would agree that in this genre's infancy we need quality before quantity.

  2. Michelle Thornton's perspective can be done in sequels or DLC. Obviously it'd revolve around more seduction based gameplay since chicks don't like getting dirty and getting their fingernails broken.

    That's an idea. A side story/xpac/DLC/sequel in the Alpha Protocol universe where you play as Michael Thorton's mom.



    LOL. Wait a minute... hmm... So thats why they are delaying AP.

  3. The delay is a huge bummer for me as I was enthusiasticaly anticipating the release, yet hopefully it will be for the best. No doubt Obsidian should be quite happy truth be told as time and time again we hear developers copping out and complaining about deadlines, "Yea this could have been better... that should have been changed... we tried to fix this," and following up with some comment about how much better their product could have been if only they were given more time. Well... no excuses here guys, do us all proud.

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