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Posts posted by Zombie_K

  1. The only small request i have, is don't let SEGA ruin this game by making it into some dumbed down game, with all the extra bells and whistles that aren't needed. remember you guys when you played games back when they were open world with millions objectives and guns and things do. remember when it was just solid gameplay and story. don't lose that. i'm so worried that in this like 8 month delay SEGA will ruin what a perfect game you had

  2. that "Spaghetti" code that thorton talks about...is that linked to glitches and crashes and stuff that they are trying to clean up and straighten out?


    because spaghetti code isn't that like some term for badly written and over complex code? i just running off of what i remember from school and computer sciences and whatnot... correct me if i'm wrong

  3. i role play as the character given to me, if he is too be crafted by my hand into something i just go with something simple.


    i don't care how i look its not how i look that determines things is what i do, also i play rpgs for the awesome story and the wild cast of characters to meet and beat. i mean haven't you ever played a final fantasy game or any old rpg games? they give you exactly how your character looks...which isn't a bad thing saves on voice actors and time spent into making a million different ways to be you. i'd rather have a million ways to interact with the world and story than a million ways to look.

  4. Should know if the virus worked within the next 24 hours when they return my PDA.


    They took my PDA to upgrade the software, so I placed a virus on it - when it's hooked up to the mainframe, I'll have full server access.

    about 1 hour ago from web



    any idea as to what the hidden message is in these ones? best i got is that tomorrow we will know more

  5. from the sounds of the face and skin customization i'm happy with that. unless i could like throw on the turban and beard and like use that to help in the Saudi Arabian levels. or like toss on a Russian hat and all that and use it to like help me blend in.


    though if your character is looking ridiculous or fits the area it'd be cool to see dialog about that or something...just a wish.

  6. PDA got confiscated... again. Place should be called Omerta Protocol. Am hacking into Darcy's computer in the interim.


    new twitter feed...don't quite see the full symbolism if any...though from what i gather...


    AP has been taken by sega to look at more closely

    Place should be about getting things down with out the use of the higher ups. IE) sega should leave Obsidian to their work and get off their backs.

    fooling around waiting for sega (or that critic who said it wasn't rpg enough and too hard) a.k.a darcy to come say whats the final word.


    Just my speculation and interpretation based off of some of the earlier interpretations and whatnot.

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