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Everything posted by INMATEofARKHAM

  1. Because I already know what the best price in town is going to be... (I paid for 51.29 after shipping/taxes for the 360 version.) Love that Amazon. :D
  2. Not sure but enough to make it official for me... I'll still be here when it ships but I'm looking at doing other things with my preorder credit right now. (Too many good/great games coming out this year to sit on it for half a year.)
  3. Amazon.com (US store) just dropped it to May 2010.
  4. A quick look shows it for less than a hundred bucks... Of course affordable price is in the eyes of the beholder. Do look around online and not in a brick and mortar store. You're money will go farther. (I recommend newegg.)
  5. Not necessarily... There could be no review copies because they don't want it to get reviewed before its release date... (Not saying this is what's going on but it is possible.)
  6. Games For Windows Live. (Don't worry, you're not the only one who didn't know.)
  7. Not a whole lot to add other than I'm just as excited about the game as everyone else and wish to have solid info on its release... (That and I wanted to subscribe to the thread.)
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