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Posts posted by TheChebo

  1. Hi I'm not sure if this has been fixed yet but when playing yesterday with my friend every hour or so the game would crash for me (host). My friend could still move around but not interact with anything. 

    I would force quit and have to start from the last autosave, not too bad as it autosaves often but still a bug that could do with fixing.

    Also I have noticed sometimes even though something is blue it will not let me build it takes a bit of moving around and going out and back in to building mode.

    Other than that loving the new update can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!

  2. I am really enjoying grounded, its been a long time since I was this invested in a game.

    There is an endless amount of possibilities for this game, a few of my ideas:

    Worms, mice, Rat Boss, woodlice, dragonflies, cokroach, Wasps, Grasshoppers.

    I also think Mobs should be scaled to how many players are in the world as multiplayer can be very easy with multiple people hitting a target.

    I am really looking forward to see how this game develops, maybe Market the game as a survival Horror to increase interest, as when I first saw the trailer I thought it was a kids game, and its definitely a game for kids and adults alike.

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