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About Wolf77

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    Gaming, Archiecture, Photography and Nature

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  1. Wing suit would be amazing, giving u much longer distance. With wing suites u'd build the zip-lines to a minimum. The dandelion tuft is not flexible enough IMO.
  2. Hey, I really enjoy building in Grounded. Therefore, I think that the new copy feature is really handy. But it would be even better when u'd had the possibility to copy and paste more than one building part. Especially when you're building an elevator, u have to repeat the process again and again manually. With a copy and paste function, the building would be much faster and easier. For example, u click the middle mouse button and everything u click while holding STRG will be saved as a blueprint. Then u let the middle button go and u can just add floor to floor with the exact same elements. Would that be possible?
  3. I use a lot of Zip Lines in my Grounded Garden. But i really would prefer some sort of hang glider: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hang_gliding Is that being looked at? Would there be anyone else interested in having this? Also: More Stairs would be great, as well as some form of elevator system. Thx!
  4. Yep, i'm on PC, which mod please?
  5. Hello, I love Grounded, but I hate the background Blur. With the known editing (like editing the enginge.ini) tweaks, it's not working anymore to remove the Blur since the Update. If anyone has an advice, please share.
  6. Yes, thanks for addressing this. It was very difficult to build a staircase into the sandbox because of the No Building rights. These restrictions should be removed, thanks.
  7. Update: Now the Game "only" crashes when it tries to save itself while playing or when i try to save during gameplay...Key M and I is working normally...I don't get it anymore
  8. Hey there, i decided to play Grounded from the start again. After completing the base i paused for a few days. Today i wanted to load a savefile to continue, but everytime the game crashes after a few minutes when I press the M-Key for the menu (Inventory). Also when i want to make a new save the game crashes or when the game makes a savefile itself, it also crashes. In new Games the problem does not arise; Please help. Singleplayer, Steam, PC, Windows.
  9. Hey Developer Team and anyone else. Sorry when the topic is already on here, but i think it's really an important one. I really love to play grounded and love to build bases. But esp. on my favorite position for a base the Oak Tree, building close to the tree bark in greater heights ( like the height of the mushrooms on the oaktree) is a nuisance because the collision is too crazy or u could say not optimal on the oak tree. sometimes i have to build 4 Floorpieces before i can walk by certain sections...please further refine the collsion on the Oak Tree that the game player can go and build starting directly from the bark of the tree for better base building. Thankyou
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