This is the perfect game to add the full life cycle for the bugs. Take the ladybug for example. Being a beetle, it has 4 stages: egg, larvae, pupae and adult. You could place eggs in clusters randomly onto foliage and they could be harvested for food and possibly something for crafting. The larvae will then hatch after some time and go about their lives and will be a neutral enemy, possibly hostile since they're quite ravenous. They'd eventually become pupae and again, harvestable for whatever. Then they'll hatch into the full grown ladybugs. For a mosquito, just add some eggs and larvae into the water. The spiders would have egg sacks that when ready, or if attacked, baby spiders will come flooding out. Pretty much every current and future creature has a cycle that would fit in the game nicely. It wouldn't derail the current pace of the game either since you could just add everything at the same time to make it "realistic", being able to find all the stages of the creatures at any time. A LOT of research would obviously be needed to get things right. This is definitely a far fetched idea this late in development, but I'm sure if y'all take a game like No Man's Sky into consideration, it's very possible to evolve a game over time. I personally think adding the cycles will not only be a big boost to content, it's just an obvious thing to do if possible.
Also, depending on how many small aquatic bugs are added and let's say the mosquito larvae are in as well, maybe add a sort of fishing system. Each creature will have a favorite food, like for example, mosquito larvae might like ladybug larvae eyes(or something else small) or maybe if there's a water bug in the game or just the water flee, it'll like ladybug eggs. Obviously this can go however y'all decide, I'm just giving examples.
Also also creature "relationships". Perfect example is ants and aphids. The honeydew aphids produce is a favorite food for ants and ants actually farm aphids, giving them protection and transportation and in exchange, the aphids give them honeydew. Ladybugs are an aphids worst nightmare, so having ladybugs hunting aphids and ants fighting the ladybugs to protect them would be cool. Maybe even, if eventually you add creature taming, you could have an ant go out and farm aphids to get you honeydew. There's so many "relationships" that can be added, it just requires some research to figure out what's what.
Also also also there's something that can be done with taming. Let's say you tame a ladybug, it'll be just a basic ladybug. Now capture a ladybug larvae and have it bond with you before becoming a pupae and it'll hatch into a stronger ladybug. Go a step farther and take an egg, so that when the egg hatches, the larvae imprints on you, thus creating an even stronger bond that results in a much stronger ladybug.
I'm highly doubtful any of my suggestions will make it into the game but it definitely would be amazing if they do.
p.s. I actually haven't even played the game yet, just waiting for it to get near finished before I do, so if any of my suggestions are already planned or are already in the game, then my apologies for wasting everyone's time.