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About Trepwert

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  1. I understand your point. Its just that the more games that get delayed til Q1/Q2 2010, the more likely Alpha Protocol will be pushed to Q3 2010 or even Q4 2010. I just would not like that.
  2. Exactly, what is there left to be done. How much more can you do in 4 months after E3 09. The game should be complete enough to release now and DLC the rest. As we all know, this generation of games are never done anyway. Ongoing support is the way to go.
  3. I just want to say...I sincerely hope Alpha Protocol stays on course to the announced release date. We do not need to lose another great title for 2009. Sega/Obsidian... Please do not delay this game. If anything move the release date forward. Now is a good time to release AP because there is nothing good out now. June, July, August have not given us any good games. It is a long wait for October 6 as it is.
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