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About SirMonarch

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    Sir Monarch
  1. Perhaps Mina has a learning disorder. Or simply has a history of poor scholastic performance. lol
  2. intentionally wrong? I guess
  3. Thanks, I just hope it makes it to the dev team before they can't change it.
  4. I just wanted to point out in the new AP SDCC 09: Walkthrough Trailer Part II video up on gametrailers at 1:24 when showing the clearinghouse, is the model shown for the "samael" 9mm pistol is clearly the weapon model for a FNH Five-seveN pistol, meanwhile if you look lower on the list or watch a few more seconds into the video, the "Rittergruppen" 5.7mm pistol is the model of a glock hangun which could very well be the correct 9mm. I just thought I would point this out before the Five-seveN fans come in here complaining about it being portrayed as a 9mm.
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