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About DSmyth

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  1. I appreciate your help. I have used that site twice. I have directly emailed them support (at) privatedivsion once. I have checked my spam/junk folders and reviewed my filters. There is no sign anywhere of a response. This is the only forum I have to communicate with company that might get a solution.
  2. Well, I'm back. I've contacted Private Division three times now with no response. At all. The game save files are still broken. No solution has been offered for everyone who was affected by Epic's error. This is needs to be remedied by either Obsidian/Private Division and/or Epic.
  3. I'm here again because it's not like I can be playing The Outer Worlds right now. The game save files are still broken. The issue remains unresolved. I have contacted Private Division twice now with no response, not even an acknowledgement of receipt of my messages. I fairly expect a resolution to this mess. I fairly expect an acknowledgement of my messages to Private Division for help. I will not go away until this problem is resolved and I encourage others who continue to have the problem to voice it.
  4. It is good news that Private Division is remedying a mistake by Epic for some people. They didn't cause the problem, but they are working to fix it. Unfortunately, they need a remedy that can be universally applied to everyone whose game files were broken. Private Division should not have to email every person who emails them about the continued problem. Every person with the problem should not have to email Private Division to fix a problem that was caused by Epic. I have contacted Private Division. It was about 48 hours ago. I have heard nothing back, not even an acknowledgement of my initial contact. Two days doesn't seem long to me, but from other posts, it appears that Private Division has a rapid response time for some people. I was enjoying this game. I would have paid for the DLC Season Pass. Now the experience is being spoiled. Every time I have to check this forum and post something about the problem still not being solved it associates negative experiences with the Epic Game Store and The Outer Worlds. That's unfortunate. I don't want to think, "oh that's the game they screwed up" every time I see Outer Worlds in my game library. I have already turned off auto-update in the Epic Game store do to my experience. It's also in bad form that Epic has not acknowledged their mistake and owned the responsibility to make it right. Instead, we are left to post our grievances on the forum of the Developers who did not brake the save files.
  5. Oops, last post about save files working was a lie. The game autoloaded the last functional save. My other save files have an exclamation point with a need for the DLC. This is not an acceptable remedy.
  6. My save files are working now after a recent update via the Epic Game Store. >>Oops, post about save files working was a lie. The game autoloaded the last functional save. My other save files have an exclamation point with a need for the DLC. This is not an acceptable remedy.
  7. Ditto. 80% of my game files, auto or manual, are 'pinked' out. My first manual save file, oddly, is not and loads ok. Playing on PC.
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