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Posts posted by Shaku_FL

  1. 4 hours ago, PrewBear said:

    We know its early access and expect it to be buggy but there is a line, considering you still have to pay money to play this. Yes server resets are to be expected but not being able to play more than one session in a row due to save file corrupts is completely unplayable. The disapponting thing is seeing the developers respond to other bug reports like the ant hill or items disappearing etc. but nothing on this.

    I guess they don't have an answer for the moment on this subject, after I understand this frustration it's the same for me but from there to telling them to start working it may be excessive ^^
  2. 58 minutes ago, gargflaps said:

    It's clear that this should be worked on and hotfixed as a priority as it's simply preventing people from being able to play.  Even if they start again, who is to say that the new save will still work?  Please understand that our impatience on this comes from a place of love and that we just want to get stuck back in.  I spent weeks building various bases and megastructures ready for my friends to get on and play with me as we only get together on Sundays only to find none of the saves worked.

    58 minutes ago, gargflaps said:

    It's clear that this should be worked on and hotfixed as a priority as it's simply preventing people from being able to play.  Even if they start again, who is to say that the new save will still work?  Please understand that our impatience on this comes from a place of love and that we just want to get stuck back in.  I spent weeks building various bases and megastructures ready for my friends to get on and play with me as we only get together on Sundays only to find none of the saves worked.

    On 9/5/2020 at 1:11 PM, Inot Legolas said:
    it is true that this prevents us from playing but to tell the developers to get to work ..... Remember that we are on an Early Access so we must expect to lose everything otherwise it would not be not an early access ^^ So go hop hop we start all over again :-) I have more than 100 hours of games with my friend. In any case quper job of the team of developers continue like that !!!!!


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