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Posts posted by ANDREW MCCREERY

  1. First off I want to say great game! This is an amazing experience and i love what you've created, i just have a few suggestions if you'd hear me out. 

    Making it easier for xbox players to play without lag is a big problem, all of my friends play on Xbox and lag terribly trying to play with me even if they turn down like most of the settings that would help. 

    Secondly the lady bird bugs should be their own armor and just downgrade ladybug to tier 1 and make lady bird tier 2, also make a larva blade that does spicy for the lady bird larva. 

    Lastly i like most of the new bugs, but was really expecting more completely different types of bugs like crickets or meal worms and darkling beetles or a centipede in the sandbox instead of a wolf spider. If you have any other advice for more insects I'd be happy to help, i study a lot of insects and would be happy to help you guys in any way even if it's just more suggestions later on down the road. 

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