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About Izanagiiii

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  1. The FPS numbers were in the Ward 13 at the Stone with Shadows on Ultra . Max 47 FPs Everything on Ultra but Anti aliasing Low and Shadows on Low ( Motion Blur ) off ( Stable max 80 !! without drops )
  2. For everyone who still has a problem with the resolution problem at Remnant from the Ashses, I have a solution that works for me. 1: Go to% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Remnant \ Saved \ Config \ WindowsNoEditor 2: Open the GameuserSettings.ini 3: Put everything as I have it for 4k resolution after changing apply and Exit . 4: When you start the game check if the 4k res is set in game then change the Video mode to Windowed Fullscreen!! After that you will get full screen Display mode in 4k with 99% of GPU Scaling. I cant show you the screenshot that i made for you guys couse im only able to Drag file of 0.5MB If someone wants a different resolution then it is necessary to adjust the 3840x2160 wherever possible in this text I hope it will work for you like it did for me . Im using GTX 1080TI Seahawk OC with i7 6700k 4.5Ghz oc , 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz Ultra setting with anti aliasing ( Low ) i get 43 min max 49 Fps [ShaderPipelineCache.CacheFile] LastOpened = [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] bUseDesiredScreenHeight = True [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality = 100.000000 sg.ViewDistanceQuality = 3 sg.AntiAliasingQuality = 0 sg.ShadowQuality = 3 sg.PostProcessQuality = 3 sg.TextureQuality = 3 sg.EffectsQuality = 3 sg.FoliageQuality = 3 [/Script/GunfireRuntime.GameUserSettingsGunfire] bUseVSync = True bUseDynamicResolution = True ResolutionSizeX = 3840 ResolutionSizeY = 2160 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX = 3840 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY = 2160 WindowPosX = -1 WindowPosY = -1 FullscreenMode = 1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode = 1 PreferredFullscreenMode = 1 Version = 5 AudioQualityLevel = 0 LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel = 0 FrameRateLimit = 0.000000 DesiredScreenWidth = 3840 DesiredScreenHeight = 2160 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth = 3840 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight = 2160 LastRecommendedScreenWidth = -1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight = -1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult = 171.580536 LastGPUBenchmarkResult = 486.809601 LastCPUBenchmarkSteps = 167.998627 LastCPUBenchmarkSteps = 173.968475 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 716.229126 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 346.011169 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 608.510254 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 507.690002 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 196.658585 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 676.983093 LastGPUBenchmarkSteps = 366.904114 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier = 1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput = False HDRDisplayOutputNits = 1000 [GameUserSettingsGunfire] DamageNumbers = true HealthBars = true ForceFeedback = true GamepadAimSnap = true ShowHelmet = true PingOnRelease = true InvertY = false InvertX = false CameraBob = true HSensitivity = 0.5 VSensitivity = 0.5 AimHSensitivity = 0.5 AimVSensitivity = 0.5 ScopeHSensitivity = 0.5 ScopeVSensitivity = 0.5 RightThumbstickDeadzone = 0.1 HUDExpanded = 0 HUDSize = 0.5 HUDOpacity = 1.0 HUDSizeMinimap = 0.5 HUDOpacityMinimap = 1.0 TutorialPrompts = true DisplayMode = 2 Gamma = 0.0 MotionBlur = false VSync = 0 ColorVisionDeficiency = 0 ShadowDistance = 1.0 ShadowQuality = 3 AntiAliasing = 0 ViewDistance = 3 TextureQuality = 3 PostProcessing = 3 EffectsQuality = 3 FoliageQuality = 3 MaxFPS = 0.0 InputLag = true FOV = 1.0 VoiceVolume = 1.0 MusicVolume = 1.0 SFXVolume = 1.0 EnableSubtitles = true Move_Forward = W Move_Backward = S Move_Left = A Move_Right = D TurnLeft = Left TurnRight = Right DodgeVault = SpaceBar Crouch = LeftAlt Sprint = LeftShift Melee = LeftMouseButton Shoot = LeftMouseButton Aim = RightMouseButton ToggleScope = None ToggleWeapon = X AltFire = F Reload = R SwitchShoulderCamera = LeftShift Interact = E DragonHeart = Q QuickSelect1 = One QuickSelect2 = Two QuickSelect3 = Three QuickSelect4 = Four PushToTalk = None Ping = MiddleMouseButton System = Tab Menu_Options = O Inventory = I. CharacterPage = C Traits = T Folder = M UI_CursorLeft = Left UI_CursorRight = Right None = None UI_Select = SpaceBar UI_Back = B UI_X = X UI_Y = R UI_NextSpectator = RightShift UI_PrevSpectator = LeftShift SessionType = 0
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