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Posts posted by Ckhoody

  1. What i mean by 4. is that decorations tend to not be flush with walls. For example scone lamps tend to be a few millimeters off the wall, or you can't place a chest flush with the wall. Also if there is a no snap feature there would need to be some ability for the walls to be close to one another, otherwise they would look funny. 

    All in all , the hit box collisions should be tighter to the actual shape of the structure. this may just come with game engine being updated more. 

  2. The games building mechanics are good so far considering it's pre-release, but there are a few things that would elevate it beyond.

    1. A No-Snap feature, that could be toggled on or off. so walls, foundations wont automatically snap to the next closest structure.

    2. Standard walls, fences, etc should be allowed to be placed at any angle from where it is snapped to. you essentially get 365 degree's of rotation from where the object is snapped to.

    3. Custom building. Custom walls so you can make custom shaped rooms. Custom foundations, floors, roofs can be sized to whatever shape you want or (floors/roofs) auto fill to shape of house area.

    4. Allow for closer connections between structures and other structures or objects. And, similar structures should be able to overlap to some degree.

  3. I’ve been playing the game for some time now and absolutely love it. However there are a few things i noticed and saw that would improve the game’s gameplay.

    1. For starters the there should be a snap no snap setting within the game you can switch between.

    2. A sort of water filter you can craft to drink pond water without hurting yourself.

    3.Grass SHOULD NOT be able to grow through objects that have been built. I.e) floors, stairs, foundations, walls, etc. 

    4. grass, weeds, and dandelions should have improved mechanics to their growth. Grass and weeds should grow in stages. First the small stem, then grows into full grass or weed. Also dandelion tufts should be able to be used as seeds to grow dandelions. This will allow for farms and mire potential for base building.

    5. Lastly ziplines would be an awesome way to travel around the map from high to low spots. 

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