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Posts posted by KINGKYKY10510

  1. If you select an item and drop that stack (let's say a 10 clover stack) it will drop 10 stacks of 10 clover. You can pick up one stack of 10 and drop the stack again and it will drop 10 stacks of 10. Now if you leave all of that mess on the floor, save the game, load back right away it is all usable as if 200 clover popped outta the ether. It works on everything that you can drop a stack of. Wether it's 2 or 5 or 10. Just have to save while there on the ground and load to be able to use. I have at least 20 chests completely filled with every supply.

    18 hours ago, Alanil said:

    I dropped a stack of clover, and when I attempted to pick some up again I picked up a full stack with one click. Repeatedly. Except it's not a full stack, it's just counted like one. Note in the screenshot it says I've picked up 360, but there are 20 in my inventory. 

     I tried the same with mushrooms and sprigs and clay and they all worked as expected. But clover just seems to multiply by stacks. 



  2. You know what I've been getting lately with the  canteen. I have 4 Dew Collectors up and I filll my 2 water container up with that water. I've been getting off and on when I go to take a drink it says "I can't mix those two liquids together". Even if it's always the dew water and even when I made sure to try just using one dew collector, putting that into, one water container and only using that water containers dew water to drink. It's happened to me at least a dozen times in the past like 4-5 days.

  3. Hey. Yeah I am on the XBOX ONE. The Torches light up so well and with the bug with the glow lights not working the sconces & torches were the only option. I shut all but 2 off or I just dealt with turning my GAMMA ALL THE WAY UP. Which looked like crap but man oh man a massive difference helping the frame rate. I'm hoping that the 0.1.2 patch fully fixed the glow lights and that they are bright enough or if you have to put an insane amount up they don't kill the FPS.

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