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TangMan 88

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About TangMan 88

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  1. I'm very upset. I see the new update and all the new ways to build, (mind you I haven't played since you added Bees and Mosquitos) so I was excited about all the new ways to build my bases. However, I get on and see not only is armerglue non effective anymore, but my stockpile of chests that took hours to accumulate of super armorglue and regular armorglue are pointless. Also, tool repair has become ridiculous as well. The level 2 axe requires bombardier parts? The mint mallet requires berry leather and an eagles beek? (I'm exaggerating) but I already built the tool. I shouldn't have to use extra resources to repair my armor and tools. You're making it very discouraging to even want to play. Building is what makes this game amazing and it's just too much considering I run through my level 2 axe in a matter of minutes. (I play on a very hard difficulty)
  2. Xbox 1 single player and multiplayer I have an issue where in an anthill it causes the game to lag severely and ends up crashing. Also when trying to acquire weedstems in dry grass towards the rake, my game lags severely. Both multiplayer and single player have this issue. Keep in mind the anthill I mine Quartzite in is in the same area as the rake so it could be just that area? I have no problems going anywhere else.
  3. Xbox 1, single player and multiplayer. I have this issue to when building any item with a blueprint will lag for 5 seconds or more on the final piece to complete it which is really annoying. On multiplayer it kicks people out when I'm building or it crashes the game and caused people to lose the items in their back pack.
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