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Everything posted by drsquid

  1. Um, I guess you've never heard of widescreen monitors? That's not "consolitis", it's developers not supporting non-widescreen modes. as others have said please take the time to understand the difference between 16:9 widescreen and 16:10 widescreen. These are different widescreen aspect ratios. If a game is set to 16:9 on a regular PC widescreen display there are still black bars at the top and bottom However in AP's case since it is using the Unreal Engine I serioulsy doubt there will be any resolution issues on the PC, since the engine is really a PC engine first and is very flexible ...FEAR 2 used a new version of Monolith Lithtech engine that as coded specifcally for the 360
  2. hmmm just registered on the forums specifically to say that while I like a lot of what AP is doing, the dialogue feature and faction interaction looks esp good I notice 2 silly things in the video that really really bugged me firstly as pointed out in a early topic (and something that is a problem in so many games) is the main character carrying his assauly rifle on his back, then talking to a guard to let him in ...WTF....ok even it is possible that he hides it then comes back to get it, it just breaks the 'realism' for me....if he is going to assault the entrance he should be geared up and knock the guard out, shoot him or something and burst in...if he is going to sweet talk his way in and then use force he should be 'unarmed' - since in reality I would thing the guards would either search him or have metal detectors in the entrance, then he would have to acquire weapons either by disarming a guard with hand to hand skills or find a weapons locker and get the gun out. Another thing that really breaks the suspension of disbelief is the fact that he is running around in a short sleeved shirt in the Moscow winter....it just looks sooo stupid. He should either automatically be wearing the appropriate clothing for the weather, or another layer of complexity should be added (though this is probably too late in the dev cycle) where the environment can affect him depending on his clothing, so there could be a sequeance a la Die Hard where he does not have the right clothes or shoes and has to escape, by battling the environment and an enemy faction... oh and yes the Voice Acting is quite bad...I hope those were just placeholder voices !
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