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Posts posted by MacCorp

  1. According to an online article, id Software abandoned "Duke Nukem 4". After suffering from a serious blow economically, they tried to find another publisher. Since they could not find a partner, they decided to let the franchise come to an end. I read the article a few months ago, so I do not know if anything has changed. Bethesda makes pretty good games, so maybe they can revieve id's older franchises.

  2. So I do apologize for flapping my mouth about finishing it but like I said I did try...hard, but the feet dragging and lack of motivation/follow through was certainly not on my end.

    Apologize for what? You cannot control how fast or slow the game ages. Team-Gizka has been working hard on the fixes, tweaks, and add-ons, but they also cannot control the progression of time. Even though I come here to check out the mod's progress, I do not have the same vision as I once did. After watching the trailer for SW:TOR, I pretty much counted this mod as being dead on arrival. SW:TOR has already changed the original story, which Obsidian originally created for the third game. Anything that is added by this mod has already been written out of history, so it no longer has any type of significance to the overall story. Its similar to writting Star Wars Expanded universe novels. George knows that they are there, but the story is owned and sold by him. BioWare was destined to write for this franchise. Obsidian should be respected for their work, but BioWare was responsible for most of the game elements they used. If you think about how the story is being played out, the events in "KotOR II" were not much of an importance. Revan and Exile made it to the Outer Rim, but they were only able to slow the onslaught. Anything that Team-Gizka adds back into the game is not important, for BioWare is designing their story as if TSL never happened. Since the finished game was a mess, I do not see how it's story could have been salvaged.


    I would not loose sleep over this mod. It will arrive when it arrives. Its not important now.

  3. How lame is that?


    Clearly, Atari hasn't understood where the NWN core-crowd really is - the single player. But whatever.

    Remember that its only a rumor. Until someone confirms the article, I would not give this rumor any weight. Give it some time. NWN3 MMO might not be a bad idea, but lets wait an see what comes out of Atari. I loved playing NWN2.

  4. Try lucasforums.com,


    it has a large community


    and the forum is all about


    lucas arts games, old & new.


    And there is also a forum


    only about Star Wars. :sorcerer:

    They are a very politically biased group of individuals, and if you disagree with their philosophy they will gang up on you. I don't suggest them to anyone. When it comes to Lucasforums.com, I would keep your distance from any involvement. Even though the owner commited fraud, him and his friends framed more than one of their visitors in recent history. They take part in discrimination when it comes to politics. They are equivalent to an online cult. Keep your distance and google other locations. You might want to try StarWars.com they have a set of forums.

  5. I suspect they are getting a fine in lieu of jail time.



    STOCKHOLM - Four men behind The Pirate Bay, one of the world's biggest free file-sharing Web sites, were each sentenced to a year in jail on Friday for breaching copyright, and ordered to pay $3.6 million in compensation.

    I hope its $3.6 million each.


    Every single movie and music cd/dvd I own is store bought. We need more prison time for them. One year is not enough.


    Here is the best way to see this: PirateBay is providing the escape car while someone robs a bank or store. They are literally saying, "I will drive the car anywhere in the world. All you have to do is ask, and we will drive you to the door. Don't tell me what your doing, but I have no problem sitting in the driver's seat to transport you." If you think about their car as being a massive vessel (world wide), you can only guess at how many theives they are transporting. They are a accessory to several crimes. We are not talking about a small franchise that does smaller crimes.

  6. I would suspect that it might conflict but seeing as we do not know when TSLRP is going to be done I would suggest you go ahead and try 1.0c patch if you want to (although I'm not sure if this is the same patch that stole a bunch of fixes from other sites, if so I would not use it for that reason).

    Yup. It's by the same person.

    Not only is it the same old patch full of "stolen" work, it will definitely conflict with TSLRP when it is released.

    Can you expand on this 'stolen' aspect? Are you talking about the files, which are already available to the public both online and on the cds? -or, are you talking about something else? I do not think anyone should be accusing anyone else with stealing.


    If you are going to make such a statement, do not forget that Team-Gizka originaly stole the files. :)o:) Lets not go in that direction.


    Edit- Added:

    Nevermind, I did not translate your post correctly.

  7. How awesome a modder feels about themselves is meaningless to gamers compared to whether or not they make something people are interested in.

    I think I get where you are coming from. Since modding is now considered an act of social contribution, modders should only be motivated torwards enhancing such a social construct (aka. the modding community as a whole). Instead of making mods for the sole purpose of self-fulfillment, they owe the community as a whole for their talents. Anything else outside of social contribution is considered futile and useless. Did I read that wrong? If I'm translating your statement correctly, I think the gamming community has missunderstood why modding was started. -and, why people do mod in general. Its for personal pleasure.

    If it's for personal pleasure that a modder feels like spending lots of time on a project, what concern/matter is it to them whether there's lots of people mucking around as well? That doesn't prevent the modder from continuing to work on their own "thing" to get their personal pleasure from achieving whatever it is they're trying to achieve with their mod project.


    Modders back in the day worked in smaller groups, and they didn't care about contributing to society. They were making a statement.

    And what statement was that? "I can figure out the coding and produce something from it with no help from the developers?" or "Developers shouldn't selfishly block their tools from people who want to alter the game for their personal pleasure?" (so they can then protest that too many newbie modders ruins the soup?)


    I mean no personal offense, but that just sounds like an ego thing to me. Which again, if a modder wants to ignore the 'easy tools' and see if they can do it on their own "because they can/it is there" or whatever, with their own like-minded groups, as some kind of personal tech challenge, nothings stopping them, is it?

    No personal offense taken. I opened this thread to get another person's perspective. :ermm:


    When modders created their tweaks an such, back in the day, the statement they were making was "I bought this from you, and I will do with it as I please." I don't think modding was entirely motivated by hackers with hightened egos, but the majority of them did have that type of attitude. What makes the underground movement more interesting is that it was all cloak and dagger. When a gammer wanted to do something more, outside of what is being provided, they would enhance the game to function a certain way. I think thats why people love cheat codes.

  8. How awesome a modder feels about themselves is meaningless to gamers compared to whether or not they make something people are interested in.

    I think I get where you are coming from. Since modding is now considered an act of social contribution, modders should only be motivated torwards enhancing such a social construct (aka. the modding community as a whole). Instead of making mods for the sole purpose of self-fulfillment, they owe the community as a whole for their talents. Anything else outside of social contribution is considered futile and useless. Did I read that wrong? If I'm translating your statement correctly, I think the gamming community has missunderstood why modding was started. -and, why people do mod in general. Modding is driven by personal goals, which are motivated towards the act of self-fulfillment. If the modder releases the mod to the community, they are only doing it as an act of kindness. There are no laws that say, "You have to contribute your talents to society."


    I hope I read your statement wrong. Please forgive me if I did make a mistake.

  9. Having something feel more "personal" or more "exclusive" doesn't necessarily make it better for the community (or players). Modding shouldn't be some kind of exclusive club where only those with certain amounts of time or knowledge can enter - that could leave out a lot of people with possible good ideas but less time or technical abilities.

    That is what made computers and modding great. Since not many people could use a computer or mod, it made people more reluctant to get involved. That is also why I like MSVista. It brought the computer back into the hands of those who are tech savy.


    Modders back in the day worked in smaller groups, and they didn't care about contributing to society. They were making a statement.


    Modding in the old days sucked, being a modder myself. You had a game that didn't have any tools to mod it with so there were amateur programmers who had to make buggy tools that crashed randomly. Installing the mods could be clumsy at best and at worst break the game. Thankfully modding is not underground any more and companies actually have tools that you can use to create your own mods.

    Doesn't that take away from the underground uniqueness of being a modder? When things were more difficult, modders and hackers were in a league of their own.

  10. I just saw the pilot and I have to say that its more or less exactly what I feared/expected. Its not like they've taken the fun out of BSG, they haven't taken ANYTHING from BSG. The two shows have only superficial similarities, and this is not a good thing. The story is not that interesting, the cast is not good(awful teenage actors), the attempts at moral and ethical dilemmas are all old chestnuts and its chock full of really distasteful religious crap. But its not actually bad, just mediocre.


    I think they should have moved on to a new thing instead of trying to milk BSG with something as uninteresting as this.

    Since this is a SyFy Channel show, I'm starting to fear for "Stargate: Universe". After watching the last episode of "Battlestar Gallactica", I could only imagine how it's sequel will change things. Outside of the 90210 similarity, what other show does it mirror?

  11. I find modding communities to be so much better now.


    You might get more ****, but that's just because more people are doing it. You get more gems too.

    Yeah, that is a perk.


    Undergound modding felt more personal, and it had this kind of 'exclusiveness' to the whole experience. It reminds me of how Heavy Metal went mainstream. Once the word started to spread, that little corner of the world was gone. Everyone started to jump aboard. People became possers, and stores opened to accommodate everyone.

  12. This thread is really just a piece of nostalgia predating the time where TG had their own forums (and in many ways probably also outlived its usefulness) and to the best of my knowledge, Aurora hasn't been active for a very long time.

    Someone has to ask. If both of your statements are true, why do you people even bother with maintaining such a thread? Why does this thread exist?

    Someone has to ask. When will Project Nemesis be done?


    In other news, loving the demonisation of Dash as some kind of cheap TimFX knockoff. Perhaps as an encore we can blame him for the coal mine closures of the late 80s, take the pressure of Baroness Thatcher for a while?

    I think we will. :shifty:


    If you have been paying attention, you would have noticed my original post.



    When I look back at this whole mess, I cannot help but laugh at myself and everyone else. I think the community as a whole is acting dramatic over a child's toy. At one end of the spectrum, you have the emotionally driven skeptics. At the other end of the spectrum, you have the emotionally driven loyalists. We are talking about a four to five year old game, which has gone way past it's prime. Most people have moved onto other franchises. Both skeptics and loyalists have a justified approach to their arguements. Does it really matter? If I was not interested in this mod, I would not be posting in this thread. What I have been guilty of is not approaching this rationally. "The Sith Lords" is just a game, and "The Restoration Project" is just a fan created game element. When or if this mod does get released, both skeptics and loyalists will download this project.


    At the end of the day, the mod will or will not be released. Its out of everyone's control. Even though we may hate rain clouds, there is nothing we can do to prevent them from coming. Life goes on.


    Edit: Added

    If you think about this rationally, everyone's opinion does not mater to everyone else. My opinion holds the same weight as yours Darth Insidious. The only people who truely care about it is ourselves and our family. No one else maters. Within ten years from now, people are going to look back and laugh. That's why we use fake forum names. Do you think my real name is Mac or MacLeod? Hahaha... "There can be only one!"

  13. Magic The Gathering: Alara and Conflux Series

    Has anyone played the premade sets?


    What an increditble series. After getting the two "Bant" sets, I was sucked right into the series. Wow! I'm one short of obtaining all ten intro packs, and on April 30th "Alara: Reborn" will be released. This is such an exciting series.


    Has anyone else bought or played this version of Magic?

  14. This thread is really just a piece of nostalgia predating the time where TG had their own forums (and in many ways probably also outlived its usefulness) and to the best of my knowledge, Aurora hasn't been active for a very long time.

    Someone has to ask. If both of your statements are true, why do you people even bother with maintaining such a thread? Why does this thread exist?

  15. Peoples self entitlement issues never ceases to astound me :)


    If people hate it so much, why keep moaning about it? Life is too short for that (not to mention that it gets repetitive).

    I sense a disatisfaction with how the game was not completed. Since Obsidian (or LucasArts) has not come forth with a solution, to their own problems, people see Team-Gizka as a light of hope for a broken game. People are entitled to a completed and bug free game, but their feeling are being redirected onto those who publicly accepted the challanges. You could say that Obsidian deflected the bad public relations by quietly supporting Team-Gizka. People should be upset with Obsidian and LucasArts, but both companies managed to redirect people's anger by playing a public relations card.


    Team-Gizka's problems were created by publicly accepting to do this project. If I was apart of the team leaders, I might have kept this whole thing quiet. I would not have opened a website, forums, nor taken any interviews. I might have made a single thread, a quick f.a.q. page, and then kept Mantis private. If it turns out that I could not deliver, people would not know the difference. No public spotlight. The mod can easily fade away.


    Edit -- Added

    I also get the feeling that Team-Gizka is tired. Even though they might not say anything publicly, I think their emotions are coming out in spurts. I'm only speculating here, but I'm willing to bet they want this mod to go away. At the start of this project, the group was excited and ready to roll. As one year went into four years, I'm willing to bet this project started to feel like a daunting task.

  16. If it was just a trailer and a WIP update, then why the need to hype it for 2.5 weeks? :)
    TG forum members built the hype themselves TBH. Dash posted only one message.

    Its the first time he has made such a comment.


    Thread Title: In Two Weeks

    Message: Two Weeks, When its done!


    What else could he have ment? Dashus' statement was very clear. "Within two weeks of this post, the mod will be finished and released." What is a surprise is that only a handful of people, out of hundreds, actually showed concern over the mod.

  17. Before my return to these forums, I was lurking through Team-Gizka's threads and forums. I made some critical errors, which were a result of a damaged pride. If I were to go back and hit the restart button, my approach may have been slightly different. Most of my concerns about Team-Gizka were about legal issues, which I had felt been violated from allowing such a mod to exist. Unlike most of the other mods, "The Restoration" project is not an original piece of work. When I went over several emails and statements from Obsidian and Lucas Arts, I concluded that this mod doesn't hold true to ordinary copywrite laws. Both companies are allowing this mod to exist due to the overall disatisfaction with "The Sith Lords". If I was hit with such a large fan backlash, I may have tried to do the same thing. As a person from the design industry, I'm a little protective over copywrite material. Modding through the eyes of Obsidian and Lucas Arts is welcomed. Even though Team-Gizka is not altering the original material (which is a violation of actual copywrite law), the owner's are allowing them to pursue such task (which has made what they are doing legal). If both companies are okay with this type of modding, I'm also okay with this type of modding. I heard an interesting quote the other day, "sometimes imitation is an act of flattery". I think it holds truth in this case.


    When it comes to the statement Dashus made, I drew the conclusion that this mod would be released. His phrase was in Team-Gizka style specific, and it clearly signaled to everyone that the mod is done and ready. How they move forward is not my concern. After watching the supplied trailer, I reread the Team-Gizka forums again. Before anyone else makes a mistake, keep in mind that the summer starts in June and ends in September. When June 21st arrives on the scene, I would not make the mistake in expecting it on day one.


    Clarification: the trailer is indeed a year old. We had been discussing potential release dates...and we missed it. I presented Dash with the trailer - which needed to be tuned up a bit. When it was obvious that it wasn't going to be released, I was already with the original movie file to do a quick switch (really, it would've taken less then 5 minutes) but Dash wanted to actually poke a little fun at us with the notion that we missed the guessed release date. The release date that we (as in the team and beta-team) guessed. Whoops.

    Just so we're clear Dash meant it to be poking fun at themselves, not the public (though some might feel it was directed at them). :)

    Who really cares at this point? When I saw the "Summer 2008" trailer ending, I thought it came off as a typo. Imagine if the whole mod had typos? That would be embarassing.

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