Hey guys, my friends and I have a big issue with playing coop together. At release date, everyone played solo to get the game better known. Yesterday we started a multiplayer session to play together. We realised that its not possible to play with your character you played already solo or even go on at the saved game, if you are not the host. It would be great, if there is the possibility to configurate server based games.
1. - Server based Multiplayer. Host can change the settings, like how dangerous the enemys will be, how hard hunger and hydration will affect you, etc.
2. - Host can set permission to people how join the server. If they can do everything from beginning, if they can build building structures or if they have access to use the storage boxes.
3. - Add the four seasons. One season should at least last for 20-25 ingame days. Different weather options should pop up, when a new season starts and some resources will be only possible to collect in a specific season.
Spring: The temperature is normal. Hunger und hydration reduce like normal. Much more plants and flowers are available.
Summer: The temperature is higher. Hunger - normal / Hydration - reduces faster. Some water areas loose water and access to new areas is possible/new areas are visible.
Autumn: Everything turns into red. Hunger und hydration reduce like normal. Rain appears and overflood some areas, and grants access to new areas, which are reachable per leaf-ships. Much more nuts appear and grants new receipes for clothing, tools or building structures.
Winter: Everything turns white, snow appears. Hunger - reduces faster because of the cold temperature and because you consume more energy. You need warm clothing to keep you warm. Its much more easy to collect water and safe it for summertime.
4. - Add more bugs and worms. Woodlouse; book scorpion; rose chafer; stag beetle (smth. like a boss ); earthworms; more snails (alive) ; frogs; etc.
5. - Add a skilltree and vital parameters. Skilltree not to get immortal or to learn fighting skills, but to learn resistances and survive the harder seasons easier.
6. - Would love to get later into the house. For example into the cellar. Thought about something like Counter Strike 1.6 map de_rats .
7. - Add a Labyrinth at a stone garden or at the stone stairs which go up to the house. The stones have to be high and unreachable to go at the top. There is no map to see the arrangement of the stone. Some receipes or items should only be available in the labyrinth.
8. - Of course more story content, but i did not expect something bad from a great studio like Obsidian :)
Ps.: Hope you guys understand my bad english...
Greets, Rem Karolus