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About Pinstrypsoldier

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    Gaming (obvs), Fallout (the old ones...), PC gaming, PS4 gaming, ShadowPC.
  1. Hello, When playing with SAM and being 'Robophobic' (on PS4 Pro), the game is freezing for around 1 full second as the status effect is applied when SAM is near and again when the effect is removed when SAM falls behind, as the player traverses the game. This becomes intolerable to the point of avoiding using SAM (or avoiding the 'Robophobia' phobia on subsequent playthroughs, if the player actually wants to use SAM). As the player moves around, SAM inevitably falls behind. As he gets too far away for the player to receive the Robophobic status effect, the effect is removed. When this happens, there is a VERY noticeable pause in gameplay (sometimes longer than a second). Then as you keep moving, eventually the game catches SAM back up to you. When this happens, the status effect is then applied again, and you get the same freeze. After a while, this becomes very jarring. I have posted a video of it happening on YouTube and you can see the phobia icon appear and disappear when it happens My YouTube video That was posted in October last year and I know I'm not the only person to experience this issue. Is there a reason this has not been fixed yet? Are there any plans to get it fixed? Many thanks Pinstrypsoldier
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