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About Cr1tikalMoist

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So I suppose theres nothing I can really do? because you didnt read my comment when you asked than you asked if I could refund it again n yea
  2. Because i literally can't refund it and I would if I could but I can't but if I can send a submission in or idk how anything works and I can get a refund thatd be nice n cool heres a quote from what I said when you asked I replied with
  3. I mean like its just a expression as to how bad the game is the base of the game is fun but you got bugs n and it crashing and its fun
  4. I dont know how to reply to your comment but you cant refund a game you bought on the online nintendo store I loved playing it on steam a while ago than decided to buy it on switch and oh man it was the worst decision of my life its a buggy mess I played a hour of the game and it just got all messed up I bought the game yesterday at like midnight I think than played it today and it turned into a buggy mess
  5. I wasted money on the game should of done more reviewing I want a refund but can't get one I think my game is corrupted I cant do anything literally cant even start a new game so there goes $50 down the drain ...fun
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