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Posts posted by Kobak

  1. On 1/7/2020 at 4:44 PM, Shyla said:

    Hello everyone. I want to let you know that we have been listening to everything that you are saying on these forums and that adding support for ultrawide screens is something that the team is continuing to investigate. Once I know more about what actions are being taken, I will share it with all of you. We appreciate all of the reports you are sending in, and we want to thank you for your patience while the team continues to investigate.


    On 1/17/2020 at 4:28 PM, Shyla said:

    I apologize for the amount of time this is taking us to resolve because I do understand how frustrating this is. Once I have something definite to share with you all I will. Thank you for your continued patience; we appreciate it while we continue to work on this.

    Hi Dev team,

    would really welcome any update on ultrawide. It was a positive development back in January that there was at least an acknowledgment of the issue, but after several patches and a DLC release there is still zero communication if this will ever be fixed. I am not holding my breath, would love to play the game, but in it's current form it's simply unplayable on ultrawide.

    Thank you

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