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Posts posted by Evil

  1. Lol i read the most stuff that was writen before. I wont quote any of it, believe me, its better that way.


    Still... didnt we all wanted more (with we i mean all MEN)? Think about the situation with Bastila on the Ebon Hawk. You kissed her, but, you didnt realy saw it. Isnt that awful? Damn. Make the KotOR series a 16+ game and show us everything. We paid that game, didnt we?


    And think about it. Here in europe there isnt one day where you dont hear something about love, kissing and sex. And they start at - when? 11 AM.

    So it cant be that a kiss is TO MUTCH for the player. Even puppets in series or anime figures kiss each other like theyr crazy...


    So back to KotOR 2. I'm not realy satisfied with both girls that where an option. Visas was cute... somehow. And the handmaiden is a realy hot ... when shes evil. But that fighting stuff and that 'You are now my master' isnt that we wanted to hear. Or maybe what I didnt wanted.

    Only one thing left... make better romances! KotOR isnt just running around and kill Sith and innocent. Do you think the movies would be that great if Leia, Han and Luke whered just friends from startup? Lol...

  2. Situation: The Ebon Hawk is on its way to Telos. Nihilus attacks the Citadel Station and the exile is meditating.


    Visas: Since i know you where there, i loved you more then life. Stay. Let me look at you like the handmaiden does.

    Exile: Hmmm... acually i wanted to check out your loading ramp... but okay, lets do that 'looking' thing.


    Situation: Atris is defeated and Exile has to decide her destiny.


    The romantic ending:

    Atris: "You ... will have mercy? But ... Why?"

    Exile: "I always loved you, Atris. Come with me. Be mine - now and forever."


    The Sith ending:

    Atris: "Really? You ... love me?"

    Exile: "Naw, just joking. I will push you into the next reactor."

  3. Your right. She is pride. And she show that very often.

    But somehow her 'pride' is what i love about her.


    But your right. Her 'sacrifice' is dumb. Malak was so weak i barly finished him alone, and then she - and shes weaker then me - sacrifice herself?



    It seems like the jedi woman like to do sutch things. Bastila did it, and also Kreia did it. Remember the first meet with Sion, she sacrifices her self for the exile and loses her hand.

    Also, Bastila loved Revan (oh and i love her two ^^) and Kreia somehow loved the exile. He was all she ever wanted, the perfect apprentice. So its a kind of love. Maybe they want to protect they're hero at any cost, even when hes strong enough to take it?

  4. Your right with that. He looks like a biker.


    For you to understand, my native language is german and i only know the german voices. Sion sounds okay in german, Nihilius has the same tracks (theres no translation for a sith tongue).


    Only Visas sounds a bit strange.

    Still... this Story and the one from KotOR 1 is now the offical story of this century in Star Wars past. Thats a bit sad i think. Two 'Sith-Lords' that are just there to be a step for the exile?


    And i want more romances and funnys. Like use grab to hover a civilian over the fence of nar shadda and let him fall down. Something that way.


    About the true essence of the dark side... i think your wrong. Theres a thing that all Sith share. Hate. Revan is the only one where i'm not sure.

    Malak hates the Jedi and Revan. Nihilus hates all Life. Sion hates Kreia(and loves her), but also hate the exile (and loves HER). Maul hated the Jedi. Sidious hated the Jedi. Vader hated Obi-Wan. So on.

    Hate is the true essence of the dark side. Sure, they all where somehow egostic, but thats not they're true source of power.

  5. Surely the most here finished the game, so i use no spoiler tags in here.


    Some things at the plot where strange.

    1.) Nihilus. At the first i thoght this is a Revan copy or something, but they moved soon. Then he speaks a strange language, but thats okay.

    2.) Sion. Hes a walking corpse with the power of the hate. But hes not 'realy' a dark lord of the sith. Hes more something like Saul Carath from KotOR 1 with Forcepowers.

    Anyway. Both 'Sith-Lords' are somehow lame. In the first game i realy had the feeling that Malak is working against me while i move on, but in TSL i never had any feeling like that. Visas showing up didnt changed it.

    I think they are both 'weak' Sith. Even Malak was a better foe then both of them.

    And dont forget the Temple on Malakor V. The foes just stand around in empty rooms without ANY 'placeables' or even containers or tables or anything.


    Okay, Kreia. Kreia is a nice plot character and realy gives the feeling of manipulating all around her. But still... she seeks the neutrality of the Force, the death of the Force. Why the hell she shows as a Sith at the end? Theres no neutrality on the dark side.


    The other things i liked to see different are the mini-plots of the partymembers. Why didnt HK lead us to the HK-50 facility? Why cant you tell as a male that you love the Handmaid or Visas? Sure, that 'look each other' thing means something like that, but is this realy what we wanted?


    When i could rewrite the story of TSL i would make it more unpredictable. Also that feeling of beeing hunted that i realy loved from the original game should be implented. And, of course, a ending that shows up what happens. Also what happens to all of my (my/Revans) former allys would be interesting.


    Agree with me or not, but still. For me is the first KotOR the best one.

    Hope that the next game (and I'm sure there will be one) will be a new milestone like the first one was.


    But still... what do you guys/girls out there think about it? What would YOU change if you could?

  6. Maybe this has been asked allready, but i didnt found any thread inhere in the last 5 pages. Anyway...


    I played the game allready as male Lightsider. Didnt saw Bastila or Carth anywhere.

    Now i'm at the end as darksider male. I read in another thread that you meet Bastila on Korriban if you visist it before the final encouter on dantooine with the Jedi. But all doors are closed.

    Also, i played it a bit further and arrived Telos (that has been attacked by Nihilus), but, theres no Carth anywhere.


    What the hell i'm missing? Must i do something special to see them?

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