Game version: v1.02
Console: PS4 Pro, System Software 7.00 (latest update)
(this happened while playing via PS Remote Play on Windows)
Quest: The City and The Stars
Difficulty: Supernova
Character level 28. All companions back on ship.
Basic bug description:
After loading the autosave from before entering the pod, the pod isn't interactable, Carmen is back on her original spot and the question to sneak me on the ship is gone.
Thorough preceding behavior description:
After speaking to Carmen to sneak me onto the ship, she lead me to the pod, I got the prompt to hide in it and I was transported to the Ministry no problem. I saved the sprats before, so after a little sneaking around, picking up the Adreno hidden hidden under the stairs and opening the door to the cow, I spoke to Giles (or whatever his name is, the sprats science guy), he gave me the access card.
Then I took the elevator upstairs, then downstairs again, then I got noticed by guards. They attacked me, I retreated via the elevator upstairs, then immediately took it downstairs again. No guard was in my immediate presence, but I noticed that all the previouslyh friendly scientists were now marked as enemies (lifebars and red icons on the compass), yet they were not aggressive and continued talking to each other even if I stood immediately between them.
To be on the save side, I reloaded, and the rest is as described.
After realoading a previous autosave (leaving the HHC building), everything's fine again.