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Posts posted by Kyanzes

  1. Aliens would be my favorite. It had horror, sci-fi, good script, excellent actors and weapons :ermm: I even liked Burke, he played the bad guy so well, that I've grown to like him.


    Alien 3 wasn't really bad. The real failure of that movie is that it killed off three excellent characters. I could forgive for Bishop and Hicks but eradicating the main character was lame. Aside from this the movie was interesting since it was the exact opposite of Aliens: it had no weapons at all. Also the setting (penal colony, only one woman and dark corridors on a remote planet) was fitting.


    Alien Resurrection had nicely built chars and acceptable setting. What it didn't have was a good story and some diversity (not even a single planet visited).


    AvP could have been epic. Unfortunately they have failed us with these movies. The first was endurable but the second was a real mercy shot to the franchise. A small kid with his father wanders in the forest. OMFG. Some teens around a pool. Pizza delivery stuff. Weak aliens. Stupid predators. Please. Lameness over lameness.

  2. And when do you roll a critical bumber that results in a big comic styled bolded words flashing at your screen "JAMMED!" with you able to envision your Space marine starting to sweat profusely as a Genestealer runs straight for you.


    Ah, good old days. The time when EA made good games like Space Hulk.



    Exoskeletons may be implemented. They appear in several novels (like "Berserker" by Stephani Perry, Bantam Spectra, 1998, ISBN 0-553-57731-X) and were used in Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure (what an awesome game it was). I think it would be a tremendous plus.

  3. They are briefly mentioned in "Female War" (Third installment of the "Aliens on Earth" series: Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, Female War). They are allegedly a species on a secret agenda that have a superficial affiliation with the corporation (Weyland-Yutani). It's an alternative follow-up to "Aliens". Very good reads actually. I've read all the Alien novels but don't remember these guys ever mentioned elsewhere. They actually appear in "Female War" btw.


    Think it's mentioned that these guys exchanged technological information for some benefits that aren't exactly outlined.


    Here's a link to the first book:


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