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Posts posted by Retch

  1. I once knocked a pair of sharp scissors off a table and they landed on/in my foot, sticking straight up. Not too unpleasant, but they were stuck between some bones and I had to really grind them around before I could pull them out again...


    On the subject of disgusting websites, I always found interplay.com to be a shocker :)

  2. Avoid gratuitous "looting" in the form of rewarding people for taking stuff from chests right in front of their owners.

    Also, it would be good to have some recognition of crimes such as theft having been noticed. For example, in Geneforge 2 I found a smith who offered to buy iron bars from me. I promptly broke into the town's supplies, stole all their iron bars, and sold them to the smith. Fair enough that he wasn't suspicious at that point, but it seems strange that even weeks later (in game time) no-one has noticed either that the iron bars are missing, or connected this fact to the stranger who sold them exactly the same number at around the same time...

  3. How about Dawn of the Dead, or 28 days later? Neither remotely 'scary', but the events in both are pretty horrifying, particularly the satirical vein of zombies wandering around eating people, but nothing having really changed.

  4. I'd quite like to see a coward RPG. A game based off something like the Middle Earth RPG rules, i.e. one in which you avoid combat at all costs because even a wounded bat is fairly likely to gut you like a fish...


    Either that, or a Victorian setting - tin baths, leeches, rank hypocrisy and gas lamps.

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