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About acefondu

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  1. I'm probably not much help since I've never done it, but you're supposed to make an 'override' folder in the swkotor2 folder. You then unzip the mods you have in that folder and read any readme that came with it. Also be sure to check for extensions such as .mod or .wav and put them in the appropriate folders. For instance .mod are models and .wav are sound files. Hopefully your mods came with a readme, otherwise that's pretty silly they didn't. http://www.m16965mods.blogspot.com/ He gives a solid run down.
  2. Raphael Sbarge Carth, my fav.
  3. Whoa you replaced the Mss32.dll file and it didn't run still? That works for me every single time. Just to be sure we're talking about the right file, http://files.filefront.com/Mss32dll/;6695046;/fileinfo.html go there. Replace that with the one in your skotor2 folder and I'd be shocked to learn that the game doesn't launch.
  4. Yes I have read nearly all fixes but I am still troubled by my problem. Please help if anyone has ideas. OS: Vista 32bit AMD Dual Core 64 2.1ghz Nvidia 8600GT 3GB RAM Running the game in XP service pack 1. (seems to be the most stable) That should be enough info. Problem pertains to frame rate. Though my computer is beyond the specs required I still suffer from frame rate spikes throughout the game. Basically I'll play it for an hour or so and then the characters begin to stutter as they run, more, and more, and more. The simple solution is to restart the game, but it doesn't work for long. Restarting the whole computer helps some... but not a solution in my book. Also, for some reason the game refuses to start in full screen anymore and I have it set to start in full screen. It just won't do it.
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