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Niklas Wood

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About Niklas Wood

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  1. I have also finished the game quickly even though I tried to read everything and do every side quest I finished the game in 20 hours of gameplay. But I will admit it was on “normal” mode. It is a smaller game. And one of the best I have played so far this year. I am happy that obsidian is a company that has done it right and the game justice. But as the OP I too agree that the game needs more content. After skimming through the other posts I have a kind of response to why I hesitate to replay the game myself on hard or supernova. First off I would like to have a new game+ variant. Playing on so much harder will be playing against a steep hill. And sure for some that is fun to get a really good challenge. Good for you. But I feel that the difficulty will be way too heavy. In my opinion the only skills worth maxing out was persuade, lie, hack, lockpick and engineering. The dialogue skills because they open up a great variety of options during all dialogues ofc. Hack and lockpick because the same goes there. Lockpick gives you a huge amount of scraps and Hack opens up a lot of main story as well as sidequest solutions. Engineering because you HAVE to tinker with at least one weapon to get good enough to do some damage. What I want to say with this is with a higher difficulty, if you read what changes, it is clear that combat is harder. Enemies do more damage, take less ect ect. Even if all the skills I have mentioned give some combat bonuses it is not near enough what you need or get in the range or melee section. So this sets me in at a crossroad. If I play again will I choose to max out the dialogue and all that just because I want to trigger another ending? Or will I be forced to go into combat skills just because I will die horribly otherwise not able to handle the enemies I must dispose of. Many parts of the game is designed to be more about combat than the dialogue. You still have to kill monsters and marauders in order to complete the quests. A new game+ would sort of fix this. Also replaying the game is very much the same. All companion quests will be the same, with little to change. All side quests will be much the same with minor changes. What will change is how you approach the main quests ofc. I must say that I hesitate a lot to convince me it is worthwhile just to do almost all the same, talk to the same people but in a different way so that you just trigger another ending. I would want more changes in the game. That it would be clear the you only reach some major areas with some major choices. For example that if you help one town but not the other you will get quests that send you to a place you would not reach if you didn't help them. The same would go if you helped others instead. That would be a major change worthwhile replaying the game over, to experience new parts depending on how it goes. As of now the changes are just to small in my opinoin
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