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Posts posted by Trenitay

  1. His solution is to destroy free enterprise and have the government take control over everything. I don't fu***ng think so.


    I think we need to begin having serious discussions about state secession. If 50% of the country is hell bent on following the Weimar Republics grand example I do not think the other 50% is obligated to go with them.


    I feel like you are generally a pretty level-headed and fair person but these statements just seem to be huge and deliberate overexaggerations. I know you genuinely dislike his ideas for the ideas themselves and not for who Obama himself is, so if you could stop representing this as a battle against Hitler and the Nazis that would be great.

  2. Inception. I agree with everyone here, good movie. Although the ending was a bit predictable.

    Toy Story 3. Fun but not as good as the first two.

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I liked it even though I'd never really seen Cage playing a role like that.

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