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About LukeII

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  1. I do not know what to say for the handmaiden, when you end echani training, have full influence she should talk you about her mother and accept jedi training (I never did it completely because I had a bug that bringed me on the accademy on telos when I try to teach her the Jedi ways...) As both male and female you can turn Atton to a jedi bringing him to nar shadda in the refuges sector. There you will meet two twi-lek who tell you to be carefull about Atton. After that you can speak him and after a long discussion he will become a jedi. Ah, remember that there is another character who can be turned to a Jedi... P.S. I'm sorry for my errors writing in english but I'm italian...
  2. Yes, it's for a PC. It can't be a hardware problem because I have changed nothing in the PC. When I run KOTOR the autorun opens and I find the normal options: Play, configure... If I press play with audio deactivated the game runs normally, but if I have audio on it charges normally but it doesn't open the game, and I can't even re-open the autorun but the game appears in the processes in task manager (second part of task manager from th left) and to re-open it i have to terminate it with task manager... I really don't know what to do...
  3. I need help: In a first time KOTOR II worked very well: not a bug or anything else. But recently it stopped to start and i didn't know how to make it work: i didn't understand the causes at all... It has been a quick thing: the day before it worked and the day after it didn't... In one of my attempts i tryed to run it without audio (I clicked the option in the config) and it worked like before, but obviously it was silent! I cannot play a game without sound... so please if you have a solution or the same problem tell me!
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