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About Ramus

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  1. Tried all of them i get the game to run once for each fix then it goes back to the same problem the next time i try to play. And most of the fixes mean i lose my saved games each time too. Any idea?
  2. i have tried all these things and got the game to run once but when i try to get into it the next day it the same thing "Stoped working etc". Any sugestions??
  3. I purchased the game yesterday after not playing for several years. On my now vista run laptop i can not get the game to run. It installed fine even got it to run once after windows did an update but have not been able to get to run since. This is really driving me crazy. Graphics card is gforce8400 so i should be plenty. I can not get the patch to download either. Can anyone please help this is really bumming me out.....
  4. I have just brought the game again havn't played in years but on my new vista run laptop it wont seem to run installed right even got it to play when the windows updater installed a new update but wont run now neither will it download the latest patch?? Can any one help???
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