Hi everyone.
I have a question, or maybe something to tell. About this new patch.
In the 1.12 patch, you told the community you were working on Implement multi-server portal support. (as we can see on the time line which wasn't updated on this link.
However, this work seems not to be implemented in this version of the patch and - now - in the 1.13, it doesn't seem to be implemented neither.
This technical option, which is very important for all the servers of MMORPG which are working with NW2 (and which give to NWN2 a real opportunity of visibility), has diseappeared a long time ago with a previous patch (because this option was available on the first times of NWN2 - and disappeared suddenly with no reason).
The developers often tell the users (and administratos of such servers) this option of Multi server portal support would be implemented again. But, each time, this is the same thing : a new patch comes out, and the support isn't available !
So, I would like to know if the Obsidian developpers are going to take users demands seriously or if they are going to get rid of them regularly until 2010 or 2012, waiting for a hypothetical development of NWN3 to propose finally this muti-server portal support as if it was the revolution of the year.
Thanks for your ansvers, your work and your attention.
Best regards,
A french user who can't stand the false promises done to the community about this point, and... who speaks english very badly as the most part of french people