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Everything posted by g7rpo

  1. OK Have just downloaded and installed that patch and in good old M$ tradition it wants to reboot :/ Once I have done this I will do thru the other options and see what happens. Thanks for the ideas guys
  2. i only got the game in august of 06, somehow i feel like i missed something Does it really matter when I bought the game or what I do with it after that, I periodically try to update it to see if there are any patches that resolve the issues. I was kinda hoping that there would be something solid that I could find, error logs in the install folders, maybe some entries in eventviewer but nothing and its infuriating, probably exaccerbated more by the fact that I was actually able to play the game for a while last nite until it decided to fall over again, which is what prompted the outburst earlier and if I offended anyone then I am sorry that wasnt my intention, I just vented. My problems are the following movement suddenly stops for no apparent reason, although other keys work, I found that I could save the game at that point and restart it and it would behave for a while longer, which at least allowed me to get some of the way thru the game itself. The one I havent found a way around is the point where I had to give up, which where I have finally got into the space suit at the mining facility and walked along a bit, past the little cut scene with the guy who was in the detention tube thing. If I remember rightly to get to the dorms u have to start going down again on the walkway and it turns thru 90 degrees and continues downwards. This is the one I cant get past at all, suddenly Im floating unable to move except to spin on an axis, the one time I have been able to move the movement is manic and uncontrolable and I ended up all the way back at the other end of the walkway again. It would be nice to see that there was some logging somewhere but I cant find anything at all I have updated the drivers from nvidia for both graphics and chipset to the M$ certified ones, dont really want to use the others on there if I can help it. I have attached a dxdiag, I am pretty sure everything is up to date driverwise etc but if anyone can see a problem in there then I would appreciate it. try lowering your screen resolution, blobby but smoother graphics also how good is your power scource cause that will effect the maxiumum graphics-speed ratio that you can run Have tried right the way down to 800x600 I think the lowest is still doesnt make any difference
  3. i only got the game in august of 06, somehow i feel like i missed something Does it really matter when I bought the game or what I do with it after that, I periodically try to update it to see if there are any patches that resolve the issues. I was kinda hoping that there would be something solid that I could find, error logs in the install folders, maybe some entries in eventviewer but nothing and its infuriating, probably exaccerbated more by the fact that I was actually able to play the game for a while last nite until it decided to fall over again, which is what prompted the outburst earlier and if I offended anyone then I am sorry that wasnt my intention, I just vented. My problems are the following movement suddenly stops for no apparent reason, although other keys work, I found that I could save the game at that point and restart it and it would behave for a while longer, which at least allowed me to get some of the way thru the game itself. The one I havent found a way around is the point where I had to give up, which where I have finally got into the space suit at the mining facility and walked along a bit, past the little cut scene with the guy who was in the detention tube thing. If I remember rightly to get to the dorms u have to start going down again on the walkway and it turns thru 90 degrees and continues downwards. This is the one I cant get past at all, suddenly Im floating unable to move except to spin on an axis, the one time I have been able to move the movement is manic and uncontrolable and I ended up all the way back at the other end of the walkway again. It would be nice to see that there was some logging somewhere but I cant find anything at all I have updated the drivers from nvidia for both graphics and chipset to the M$ certified ones, dont really want to use the others on there if I can help it. I have attached a dxdiag, I am pretty sure everything is up to date driverwise etc but if anyone can see a problem in there then I would appreciate it. DxDiag.txt
  4. I bought this game on release due to KOTOR, which although was clunky was a good game. I have tried to play this game repeatedly since and have been unable to do so, have just reinstalled and repatched and pretty much the same as always. There is no support for this game from anyone except a couple of posts in this forum, which is tantamount to changing a couple of ini files and reinstalling the game. Its not my machine, I have 3 of them sitting under my desk, 1 dual core, 1 single core 64 bit and 1 single core 32 bit, all with 2.8 Gig processors and at least 2 gig of ram. All have Gforce cards in them with the most up to date drivers, 2 are Nforce chipsets, one is a Via. This is the only game I have ever had problems playing. The graphics are choppy, with flickering on the options screen within the game, the movement buttons fail to work at random times and now I cant even get the damn thing to start. Incidentally this is a brand new installation of XP so its not that either. I guess I will just have to put this down to the quality of the developers on this one, but if anyone else has problems with this travesty then good luck getting some help cos you are gonna need it.
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