Hey all, first time in the forums.
Ive owned pillars for years, and after playing and beating baldurs gate series, never winter nights series and ice wind dale, I figured I’d give pillars a chance.
Unfortunately the combat system while similar was a lot different in some ways from what I was used to, and I became quickly lost in how to build characters, what stats and talents were important, etc, and I moved into other games.
But im ready now to give it a proper go, and have read a few guides in here to become familiar with the system.
my question is this; what classes are good ones to start off with? I usually play rogue types, but after reading the forums it sounds like rogues are at the bottom of everyone’s list of ranking classes from best to worst.
Is there anything about rogues that make them not so great? Is there a class that’s good for a beginner into this series? In the previous mentioned D&D titles most classes were decent at the least. But it sounds like all spell casters are god tier in this game while melee classes seem to be less impactful?
Any advice would be appreciated.