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Everything posted by PryingMantis

  1. Hello Obsidian, Huge fan of your games since the 90's. Love the work you do, and many of my lifetime favorites are from your studio. I was really looking forward to The Outer Worlds. Sadly, I just read an article in PC Gamer saying 2K's Private Division label signed an exclusivity deal which includes this game. The game will be offered on Microsoft store, and Epic games. It goes on to say it will not come to Steam, etc. a year after release. Sorry to say, I will now be skipping your game altogether. I created this account for the sole purpose of letting you know, as I feel very strongly you should know why people don't buy it. Principles. I absolutely despise these deals, and made a point to stop buying any game that does this. Since we have no real say over things like this, all we can do is vote with our dollars. I'm shocked this happened after the recent backlash with the latest Metro game. Sorry I won't get to enjoy what looks to be another great offering from you guys.
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