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Posts posted by eleven

  1. I think that no nation should allow or recognise the forming of a new nation that is too small, or otherwise lacks the resources to be reasonably self-sufficient. Kosovo is a very poor country with around 70% unemployment that completely lacks any ability to sustain a stable economy. Kosovo may have the moral right to declare themselves independant, but they are mad to actually do it, because the consequences will be disastrous.



    I know its a pretty cold way to reason, but its true.


    Well, once USA & EU get tired of nursing their neonate, it will probably join Albania along with western half of Macedonia, and possibly part of Montenegro.

  2. Medvedev backs Sebia with what I think is a pretty strongly worded statement. However, no explicit moves were set out.


    Sure they were. Much earlier. Russia and Serbia will block Kosovo's attempts to join UN, OSCE, Council of Europe... Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Cyprus and Greece will block their attempt to join EU, because of their own problems with ethnic minorities. So, Kosovo will pretty much be dependant of international donations in the coming years. Also, Serbs are going to try to prevent EULEX and institutions of the newly pronounced state from taking control in the northern part of Kosovo, since they are majority there. They're going to try to secede from Kosovo, like Kosovo seceded from Serbia. Serb population in the central and southern parts of Kosovo will probably be banished from their homes by Albanian majority.


    Meanwhile, Russia's going to continue charging Serbia for support. Recently they bought NIS ( national oil company) for measly 400.000.000

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