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About Syn_RPG

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  1. It is silence before storm... I think 1.01b will come sooner than you think
  2. I don't know why people are judging me for my desparate wish... BIOShazard...If you have seen all the content you mentioned with your 'two eyes' then there is nothing left for me to say except 'Hurray!'...I have just become hopeless...people tells that this project won't be finished etc. But you know that they have finished most of their job now I'm positive again about gizka...God save them...
  3. 'If a person thinks he is too clever...let him be' Firstly why we are noob because we want a patch from a developer? I don't give a damn about the war that ended about patch...Obisidian was a newly founded developer at that time and now they have more money... And secondly how do you know gizka is nearly done with the mod?Did you see it?Don't be so sure about a mod before it comes out... And I still don't understand people attacking everyone and cursing the whole community just to be happy... But in fact if it really helps you being happy you can keep calling me noob,lame etc....
  4. Oh my god guys please watch your attitude...This is not a place we blame developers/publishers This is supposed to be a place to tell obsidian we need some content patch... I hope they will help us... And guys be sure about it Lucas Arts isn't that much ignorant to sue Obsidian for making a content patch...
  5. Guys there is a point you should see... KOTOR2 will be the prequel for KOTOR3...so an incomplete game will suck as a prequel and KOTOR3 will also suffer for this And still we don't know if team gizka could complete their project we may only hope that and nothing more... But so far any project except gizka have failed... This is not an easy task to make this large modes...But I hope team gizka can do it It seems LA disappointed us,so did Obsidian Entertainment... But I won't loose my faith unless somebody from Obsidian Entertainment will tell they won't be doing something like that and Team-Gizka tells us they have failed...Before all of that happens I will only hope:)
  6. Yes that's why I'm talking about they can make a modlike patch like an unofficial patch...there is nothing illegal about it...
  7. As I mentioned in my topic I still believe Obsidian Entertainment can do something without thinking of money... That's why I opened this topic...I don't know why but I still believe in that That will be max 4-5 month work..and it will worth it Maybe they can sell it trough internet(steam etc.) Most of us will gladly pay the price for the content...If it is the money they want... But I still don't believe in that...
  8. Hello everyone... I'm a big fan of 'Obsidian Entertainment'.I think they are the RPG masters...But there is a problem Everybody knows about the KOTOR series...The 2nd game made by 'Obsidian Entertainment' The game was so good when I started but the cut content just ruined my game and shook my all trust to obsidian entertainment...I was some kind of shocked... Now 'Obsidian Entertainment' loses ranks in everybodys minds because of a game that wasn't meant to be uncomplete... This mustn't be like 'we put the cut content in the CD just mod it'.This is silly because there isn't much people that have ability to do such big mods.And so far most are failed.And we the patient gamers still waiting after 4 years. This shouldn't be like this.'Obsidian Entertainment' must act and complete their incomplete work. But if they are thinking of a 'remake' i will gladly wait. I just wanted to share my thoughts.I shared this because Obsidian Entertainment 'cares' about gamers but not only money I shared this because I like and trust in them...A patch or a remake will do really good for obsidian entertainment in gamers eyes... Ok...that's all for now...These are what I hope...And maybe there are others who thinks similar to me?I'm sure there are With great respect to 'Masters of RPG' and their works.
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