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Posts posted by vellen

  1. I have never heard of Arcanum, I did a search and it turns out it is very hard to get hold of. Is it any good or is it really outdated. I seem to be reading some very mixed reviews about it.


    But I think if obsidian were to make a game based around steampunk that would be so much better!!!

  2. The plot could be something like:


    The world is changing and science has caught up with teh arcane arts. The advances in technology has started an arms race between to expanding nations and some nefarious force is at work manipulating things from behind the scenes and by a twist of fate you get stuck in the middle of it.


    Maybe something like this. The protagonist has decided to move to the big exciting city seeking fame, fortune and adventure. Encounters a dying person who has barely escaped an assination atempt whopasses on a special item to you which the "Dark Forces where after". With his dying breaths he/she tells you that you must deliver the item they were carrying and make sure that it dosnt fall into teh hands of the bad guys. And that is the start of you great adventure...


    Guns, swords, steam power and magic

  3. What do you guys think about a steampunk rpg?


    Personally I think it would be very cool.


    Settings could include big smog filled industrial cities (im thinking like a twisted version of victorian London), a interpretation of the wild west, a huge air ship, a stream powered floating island.


    Could use the the normal races, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, gnomes ect.


    It could be a fusion og magic and technology.


    It could have massive trains, steam mecha, air ships and all those cool things.


    I dont know of any games like this on the market.


    I think its an idea that would offer you a lot of scope to play around with.


    Party based steampunk action, a fresh setting, different game play (i think you could still use D&D rules though).


    wht do you guys think?



  4. This is my first post and I would like to start it by thanking you for making such a great game . A game that has provided me with many hours of fun. I have had Never Winter Nights 2 for almost a year and I still love playing it, its my chill out game.


    I really hope you continue to make D&D/FR games I first became hooked when I played BG2. The thing about these games I love is the story and the interaction you have between the people you travel with and the people you meet along your adventure. I have not yet played MoTB but I am really looking foward to it.


    I would like to see a new game set in the city of Waterdeep/Skullport and the surrounding areas. I think it would be cool to have a plot based around the Harpers and the Moonstars.


    My only critisim about NWN2 is the way you control your party and the AI that party members have. I would like to see something simular to the scripts you could make your party use in BG2, you like telling the fighter to protect the wizard and getting the cleric to heal injured members and so on. Also the formations and positioning of party members was also in those formations was most enjoyable and I thought it was ashame to not have these options in NWN2.


    Another feature that I would really like to see in the next game would be to have the option to create a completely player generated party like in IWD. Also maybe a vast selection of characters that could join your party like in BG and BG2, like if X in your Party Y really hated him and would refuse to join with you or if your allignment didnt match. It was this depth and the choices you had to make that has made these games a pleasure to play.


    Cheers I look foward to playing MoTB

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