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About baron_saturday

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. I feel dissapointed. Yes, I do understand that I am exaggerating. Yes, it was kinda naive to think that a sequel could create the same strong impression as in original game. However, by acknowledging that, I still find too many little "lazy work" moments. How much efforts and resources do you need to add more new portraits? To create multiple versions of fire godlike head (not just several versions of horns with the same iron face)? It would be great to add several new abilities for each power level. Adding new races and\or classes would be even greater. And I want to see a big figure of the spirit form in my inventory, of course:)
  2. "Sure. Abilities for Power Levels 8 and 9 are only cosmetic. Minoletta's Missile Salvo only puts rouge on enemies' faces." Yes, they are. More Minoletta's Missiles? Awesome. Real flight of fancy. And this is PoE 2. Lazy, sloppy work. Why do we need to create something new, just add another Minoletta's Missiles. And bugs - our true fans would swallow everything. P.S. The quoting function is horribale.
  3. "You have 50(!) new subclasses in addition to the 11 main classes of PoE." And all these 50 subclasses add almost nothing. "full voice over" - this I can consider progress, ok. Everything else - cosmetic changes, and sometimes these changes for the worse. Ship fights, for example, are boring as hell. The story is weaker, companions are shallow as a puddle. And shapeshifring bug....
  4. "So - in Baldur's Gate 2 you had a completely different set of races, classes and abilities". Almost completely different set of abilities, 2 new races, 3 new classes (not just tiny cosmetic changes in game mechanics). Bigger world, deeper story. Progress, not regress.
  5. "Not sure I follow. Same as what, exactly?" Same as in PoE 1.
  6. "That tiny thing spoils your entire game?" This was the last straw. In general, this game is more like a giant DLC. The same portraits, the same races, the same classes, the same abilities (with a few weak exeptions).
  7. Well, I don't feel my character as shapeshifter without this image in the inventory. I was waiting for realease of the third major DLC , but now I don't want to play:( "You already posted that question in the bug subforum, didn't you? ". I did, just to be sure.
  8. While my character in spirit form, inventory screen displays character in his "ordinary" form. In PoE 1 there was spirit form. Is this a bug?
  9. While my character in spirit form, inventory screen displays character in his "ordinary" form. In PoE 1 there was spirit form. Is this a bug?
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