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About Rush

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  1. Well, Im not quite sure how much my advice might help but I'll add it anyways. I also got this from having a VERY bad DM. -DMs should know their players especially if you have been DMing a game for them for about a year. This means that if you know your players only do the first thing that comes to mind instead of listening to your obvious hints, the treasure should not ALL be burried in the walls or some other obscure place. You'll know your doing a bad job of handing out treasure when either the monk starts stealing the only loot you got from an entire dungeon after killing the boss, or people start making new characters just so they have enough for bracers of armor. -Planning is good, do it often, especially planning for the unnexpected. But do not spend so much time planning the unexpected as to forget to plan the obvious. There was a time my DM had us defending from seiging goblins, and he gave the generals all names and backstories and other things, but forgot that most people in our party would just slaughter them without even a battle plan. -Give the players spare time to do things. One night in a town is not always enough time to buy what you want or go where you want, either. Between adventures is definetly the best time to let them rest up for a week or so, maybe more depending on the town. My DM forgot to do this and was very suprised to find we all ran out of food halfway through the desert. And lastly, NEVER let your personnal feelings get in the way of D&D. My DM and I got in a big fight, and because of it, killed my character, as well as the one I made after it. If you have that much anger towards a player, talk to them about it and be the bigger person.
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