afaimc i'm dealing with scripting, making custom content (clothe/tilesets/placebles), coding nwnx4 plugins (which by the way i will release soon), background and rules making, DMing and playing on a PW.
and semantics has nothing to do with it. while building a solo module you just don't care bout things like persistancy.. though, on a pw you always respawn in the first area with full HP/feats and spells, you don't care bout you quest journal, but on a pw, when you come back, it's empty, you don't care bout chests, but randomly on a pw they just won't close.
You can make 10 different modules for a solo campaign, with area the size you want, tons of placeables, grass everywhere. on a pw you can't afford that.
You don't either have to deal with transition crashes, the fact that a DM cannot open a player's inventory or just cannot know in which area are the players...
I could go on like that for a long time but truely, it's just not bout the same thing at all. the only thing in commun is we all use the same toolset.
and that's a point... a toolset user. thats a fairly good category ! (still restrictive though )