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About Gin

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  1. My player is in a relationship with Xoti. But it still showed the ending slides which appear when she's in a relationship with Edér. I've seen similar bugs in this forum regarding her ending slides that apparently have been going on since version 2 or so. ... What's up with that? I feel like this isn't a bug too hard to fix.
  2. I just got to the point where I helped Xoti release the souls into an adra pillar. The first time it failed (the soul transfer I mean), she kept the souls and the quest completed. I reloaded and chose another option, which ended in the souls being absorbed by the pillar. But this time the quest doesn't update or finish. I don't know if this is beta related or an issue in 3.1.1 as well, but I haven't found any other reported bug about this. EDIT: I tried again, this time without talking to the animancers. It finished the quest. So it doesn't work when talking to them, I guess that should still get fixed though.
  3. I did some testing after also posting this issue on reddit. It seems to be fixed in 4.0. I recreated the same situation in 4.0 without getting double exp. So you're got to go.
  4. I seem to be getting double experience sometimes. I noticed I leveled up far too fast and then saw this: https://i.imgur.com/rx8IJpy.png This was after speaking to Governor Clario for the first time and agreeing to help him. I then reloaded and talked with him again, this time I didn't get the 2k experience a second time: https://i.imgur.com/svSA58C.png (the 414 exp is still doubled) This is the first time I noticed this bug, but it's very possible to have happened before in other cases and it makes the game unplayable for me, since I level up far too fast. I'm in the first town, have done like 3 quests and I'm already almost level 4.
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