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About Kbittala

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    I enjoy gaming but I also love the outdoors, so I do kayaking, hiking, river-rafting, etc. I also enjoy hanging with friends and family and having the occasional beer.
  1. Zil, I appreciate that. Thank you. I am glad it isn't just me, then.
  2. Hi Mammasaura, Yes - my mods are in the correct directory. I specified the directory in my original post. And I suspected that they had to be updated. I just wanted to make sure. But shouldn't they still be showing in the mod list, though? Regardless of whether or not they work? Thank you, Ken
  3. Hello all, After the new patch, my mods don't seem to work. They also don't appear in the new mod manager interface. They were working before, and I had them in the override folder, which was in my "D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data" directory. Is there a different way to install mods now? Has anyone else ran into this issue? Thank you, Ken
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