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About slick76

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  1. SOOOO, I am on with Apple support right now and was able to actually locate my last complete save game! NOW I need to figure out how to make PoE 2 allow me to access it. Anyone know how to do that?
  2. Absolutely. I did the ending again recently just to make sure; doing some side quests first and HAD to fight Thaos again, end story rolls, credits go on forever. . . My games are auto-saving IN the game itself AND I can do the override save. I play PoE from the Apple App Store, not on Steam or anything else. I’ve gone around looking for my saved game but it’s a bit over my head on my iMac. I recently (BEFORE I went back and replayed the end to ensure a saved game) switched things to be saved into the cloud so that I would have enough room to play this game on my computer. I have external memory, too, for backups, but I wanted to make sure everything was safe so I did it this way. I’m not sure if that’s why I can’t access any save games. This is literally the only game I play and I can only play in the summers when my kids are home from school so I’m super novice. TBH I don’t know how much info I’m losing by starting over. Characters? Money? Situations? Etc. and I don’t yet know how to import that info individually into PoE2, though I’ve read that you can. I hate to lose all that I’ve done; it’s gut wrenching to think about. Y’all are awesome for helping.
  3. I have done as much internet research as I’m willing to do, as well as scrolling through these forums. I finished my game over a year ago and then recently went back and finished some side quests when I couldn’t get a saved game to load on PoE2, thinking that was the issue (not very tech savvy, unfortunately). Fini (White March 1 & 2) again and still cannot find a file to import. Have looked all through my MacOS according to what I have found online, to no avail. I would love to play the new game, but starting with my choices, etc. I’ve already made. I’m at a loss. Can someone please help? Thank you so much in advance.
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