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Everything posted by Seed

  1. drools... I hope Obsidian decides to make your content official and give you guys something for your efforts. The current tileset selections are a bit thin.
  2. I dont want to diminish your question, but actually hak compiling is very easy, and as we already have the need to distribute pwcs, haks shouldnt be too much of a headache anyhow. It's the merging of 2da's and other issues with using custom content from many different sources. I don't want to have to worry about this and if the content was released officially I wouldn't. I'll decide what is too much of a headache for me to deal with. To me, this qualifies. Yes I know it can be done. I was asking if Obsidian would be more willing to turn custom content into official content.
  3. Some of this community content is quite nice. Will Obsidian be more willing to mae community content offical and release it with an expansion than Bioware was? It would be nice to be able to use this additional content in MP without the need for compiling hak packs and without having to wait 2 years for a CEP to be compiled.
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