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Everything posted by Phil5000

  1. I found it a bit boring as well, but mostly because I think the story is quite dull and the writing isn't very sharp and at times just goes on and on. I did struggle with the combat at first but I got used to it and came to appreciate the tactical nature of it. The biggest thing that puts me off is the load times. On PS4, every time you load a game or enter or leave a building its a minute to a minute and a half to load.
  2. Hi everyone. Every now and then I lose the footstep sounds of my characters. If I quit to main menu then load my game it comes back, but the load times are excruciatingly long and I'd like to avoid doing this. Would anyone happen to know what triggers this and what if anything I can do to avoid it? It is a small detail but you miss it when it's gone. Thanks.
  3. Thanks guys. I actually decided to restart my game (something I quite often do anyway with these kinds of games). Something about being a lord didn't sit right with my persona of a wandering adventurer. Not to mention all the cash I can save. How many nights at the Salty Shaft, err... I mean Mast could I get with all the copper I spent on the keep? A related question, can I get to Defiance Bay without rebuilding the east wall of the keep? I'd rather just avoid the whole thing. Thanks everyone.
  4. Hi everyone. I've read up a bit on this quest but haven't found an answer to what happens if I just sort of ignore it? After capturing it I started upgrading it because I thought why not, but I can't say I'm that interested. Now I have to bother with this battle to defend it and I'm starting to wish I hadn't bothered. I can't remember getting an option to capitulate to Lord Whatshisname and I'm wondering what will happen if I just ignore this. Will I lose the keep? Has anyone done that? What are the consequences? Thanks guys.
  5. Hi. Yes thanks, I'll try that.
  6. Hi guys. I'm on the PS4 and have this annoying issue where the game selects either a single party member or the entire party without me telling it to. It happens when I leave the group to scout around with my main character. I make some kind of action, pick something up, kill something or whatever and suddenly the whole group has been selected and when I move my main character again the whole group moves. It is annoying when I've positioned the group members carefully in ambush positions, then I accidentally move them. Is this a bug? Is this an option I can turn off? Thanks.
  7. Hi guys. Is there a way to make party members hold their position? I try to set up ambushes near doors and other choke points and carefully set everyone's position, but as soon as they see an enemy they of course all rush forward. Other than turning off their AI is there a way to prevent this? Thanks heaps.
  8. Hi everyone. I haven't been playing long but I've noticed when I pick up gems and it says they've been added to my stash they don't seem to be there. I check my stash and can't see them. Are they there somewhere? I'm on PS4. Thanks fellas.
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